Channel: Runescape Clans
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proudest moment


what is the proudest moment you have ever feeled in your clan career?

it could be from getting an ags or dragon claw pk, to winning a fight you never expected, or even getting promoted to the rank of counciler. there is many many different exciting events that make our heart glowing. what was it for you??? why???

dont troll answer or give personal achievement (99 hp etcs). im sure you all had moment of happy because otherwise why here?

me answer:

when we won p2p jagex cup 2014 i was so proud. no one expected us a team to win over a clan. when we won i almost cried. it was so special. not just winning but whole teamspeak after! omg i wish we had a recording so i can re visit the sound!  i wonder if 2014 undefeated will bring also much pleasure. hope we make it to end 2014!


if you could correct a mistake in your clans history what would it be

i'd of never gave sam enzo + huntero0o pk leader in eos, although for a short while it was funny to listen to them argue on ts about whos going to call first vs genesis, they grew a massive callers ego that all callers seem to get but those 2 took it to a new level.

what would you do huh and why??

potential for us

for the first time since the beginning of osrs it looks like there's a bit of rejuvenation as it shifted from downhill to uphill in terms of more clans pulling 40+. with the rise of ronin/poison who both pulled 45+ today, it looks like there's potential for more fights than just rot/di battling every week.

do you see a possible hope for even the slightest of growth?

Best piece of clan propaganda ?

There has been some doozys over the years

This Microsoft paint KDR tracker is by far 1 of the funniest:

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Sheeps and Wolves/Questionable Leadership

It's apparent that not every leadership, no matter what area, is perfect or serves their electorates with good intentions**.

Here in our clanworld, our leaders are preset and listed before we ever consider joining a clan. Some people know what to expect, some people join and end up figuring out who they truly are. I would actually compare joining a clan to voting, in the sense that we're choosing who leads us, and then the never ending race ensues as clans battle it out to find what leadership and its electorates are the strongest.

So my question is:

What ratio of 'low-information' clanners do you think is present in our current clanworld?

Keep the topic clean and do not use names.


It's obvious that a lot of clans' leadership lie to their members, so my improved question is:

What ratio of clanners do you think have no stinking clue what their leaders do

Questionable Propaganda Topics

It's apparent that not every clan's members, no matter what area, are perfect or serve their clan with good intentions**.

Here in our clanworld, the members do their best to contribute to their clan's agenda. Some people are good at it, some people are just embarrassing. I would actually compare making propaganda topics on Zybez to campaigning for an election, in the sense that we're trying to convince people we are the best, and then the never ending race ensues as propagandists battle it out on Zybez to convince others that their party is the strongest.

So my question is:

What ratio of clanners do you think have no stinking clue how to make a propaganda topic on Zybez

Keep the topic clean and do not use names.

Mains and pures? What's your thoughts

Considering there is a lot of topics made about who is the better breed.

If your a main what's your thoughts on pure clans and wars?

If your a pure what's your thoughts on main clans and wars?

If your in both main and pure what's your thoughts?

Will mains last longer then pures?
Will pures last longer then mains?

everyone has there own views on this. But has any main clan ever suggested fighting two pure clans at once in a fullout?

I've been in both main and pure clans. So I'm going to answer peoples questions

Di or rot vs eop and fi?

I think this would be a great fight. But would be really hard for the pure side due to defence. What's your thoughts?

Di or rot vs fi+eop

70 vs 140?

Would you Go?

Was sat here in work thinking if there was a cluster for old closed clans that was announced would you step up and go???

Tr has been closed a few years now and we said we may have a Pk trip one day in the future which has never happened and don't think it ever will. So my question to all the people that still play Rs where there clan has closed and you said you would have a pk trip in the future and haven't or have:-

If there was a closed clan cluster would you go?:-

What Clan would you go with? :-

What are your reasons for going? :-

How many clans do you think would have that "one last pk" :-

clan world unite....

we need to defeat rot!!!!!!

noobs crash ronin vs vitality thinking ronin would bow down to rot!! haha! no, that's not how ronin is ran, we arent not vr, we are the the alpha male and we will beat you up

noobs with your no honor tactics, you will never amount to anything eos has achieved, we are the no honor kings so stop trying to copy us, go back to pest control scumbag pc prods

what do u say vit/poison/tt/df/di/vr?

Merlin calling out the clan world?

I think we are? If ya wana fight in cwa/wild pm Eomeri/B0rntowildy/Fasty/Jared/Ffs- on Swiftirc to set up.

supressed aggression over runescape clan beef

Well i was just thinking about all the glory we have all shared over this game and being that i am working on my bsc in psychology i consider myself an avid study of the human condition

i have come to the conclusion that clans over the coarse of the last few years who have more or less sat back and took the beef rather then dish it (the titans, corruption, solace, runescape dynasty, reign of terror #1-4, , ect) have much more pent up aggression then clans who for the most part accepted the beef online and never shyed away from the challange of battle ( eos, vr, df, exodus, ph, rr)

people from the first type of clans, the 'soft' clans have much more pent up aggression as you can see they have all joined reign of terror and they are very volitile in the community acting as bullies and e'tugz.

now riddle me this

1. Do you think individuals from certain softer clans in general have more abrasive demeanors?

2. or is it simply a matter of revenge for most of these clans ?

2014-2015 Holiday Clan Tournament


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Welcome, this thread is to introduce a new tournament to hopefully with enough signups, take place over this holiday season. The goal is to generate actions for clans large and small alike and get some match ups to see which clans are the best at this moment. Over the period from mid-end December to late-January/early-February, clans will be matched up with each other in a world cup style tournament to fight it out to the end. Hopefully some excitement will be generated, and clans will have both competition, and fun at the same time. As of lately except for the Jagex Clan Cup there are no real tournaments for clans to compete in. Hopefully this can change with the future, as tournaments are a place to encourage fighting, and also offer a competitiveness that may not be seen in every other event. If you think of RuneScape warring a sport, it could be possible to hold a few tournaments throughout the year to encourage this type of activity. (If this goes successfully)

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Several brackets will exist between both versions of the game. In the original revision of the post we currently have brackets in OSRS F2P, and Legacy P2P. However if there is demand for a bracket for Pures, or OSRS P2P, we are open to add it. We just need to make sure there are enough clans to participate in the tournament.

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The competition will function in a style related much to the way the Football (Soccer) World Cup is held. Clans will be put into several groups in which they will have a round robin competition to rack up the most wins. Each clan in a single group will fight every other clan in their group. The top 2 clans with the most wins will emerge from their groups into a normal bracket where they will fight until two clans reach the finals. There will be no consolation bracket due to the round robin start of the tournament, however the two clans that lose their matches in the semi-finals may hold a match to determine who will take third and fourth places respectively.
Clans will be able to set their own rules for their fights against other clans with as long as the fight happens within the week time frame given for clans to fight each other. Time frames are covered in the next section. There will be a set of default rules for clans who cannot come to an agreement on a set of rules. These default rules are based on a standard to allow both small and large clans to compete fairly. If clans agree on fighting in the wilderness and both claim a victory, they will have to complete a re-match in the Clan Wars Arena in order to decide a clear winner in a 1 full out round.

Default Rules- Oldschool:
- Clan Wars Arena
- Best 2 of 3 fights wins
- First 2 rounds matched (Pleateau Arena)
- If tie in first 2 matches, round 3 run-in (Turrets Arena)
In all matched fights in the Oldschool division, clans can have at least 20 people. This means that if one clan pulls only 15 members, the other clan can still bring 20. Any amount of people over 20 on both sides, may continue to participate in normal matched rules.
In all run in fights in the Oldschool division, clans may bring up to 10 more members than the opposing clan to make quantity matter, but not the extreme point of pulling too many more.

Due to the fact that legacy does not have as many clans currently active, the competition rules may have to vary from the Old School rules. If at least 8 clans sign up, the rules will be the same as Oldschool, however if less clans sign up, the tournament will proceed in a flat out bracket. Without enough clans the other set of rules simple wont work. (Non-Oldschool Rules Proceed) Clans will fight to the end of the tournament in a bracketed tournament, and a full consolation bracket will be set in place for the losing clans.

Default Rules- Legacy:
- Clan Wars Arena
- Best 2 of 3 fights wins
- First 2 rounds matched (Clan Wars Classic Arena, bounds on, all gear on)
- If tie in first 2 matches, round 3 run-in (Turrets Arena, all gear on)
In all matched fights in the Legacy division, clans can have at least 15 people. This means that if one clan pulls only 10 members, the other clan can still bring 15. Any amount of people over 15 on both sides, may continue to participate in normal matched rules.
In all run in fights in the Legacy division, clans may bring up to 5 more members than the opposing clan to make quantity matter, but not the extreme point of pulling too many more.

Pure competition will function in the same way as the Oldschool Main competition. If under 8 clans sign up, a regular bracket will be formed.

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Currently there is not a completely set time frame for the tournament, however there will be no fights held on the days December 24-26 in order to respect the availability of certain individuals. Clans will be given a certain period of time in which they will need to schedule their fight against the other clan so that the tournament can proceed. There will be several default times that will be set in the coming days to determine what time clans will have to fight at if they have discrepancies in their rule setting between each other. These times will be set up soon, they are still being determined, and will have cases between GMT vs. GMT, GMT vs. EST, and EST vs. EST.

Registrations will end on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 8PM EST.
The first round of matches will begin on the week of Monday, December 15.

Default Time Rules
GMT vs. GMT - 2pm EST/7pm GMT
EST vs. GMT - 4pm EST/9pm GMT
EST vs. EST - 6pm EST/11pm GMT
Default day is Saturday

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Several rules have been created in order to keep things sportsmanlike and fair. The following is a list of these rules.
  • Competitors may only fight for ONE Clan/Team. (Legacy Mode Only)

  • DDoSing will result in instant removal of your clan/team.

  • Keep flames to a minimum. Light banter is good, excessive flaming is over the top.
Official will be in attendance of each fight, and will be watching to make sure.

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All clans and teams are welcome to register and join the tournament. Please do not flame other clans for joining, or us allowing them to join. The Holiday Clan Tournament is not affiliated with any specific clan, and all beef should be set aside just for this one time. Whatever you do outside of this is your own, but please try to keep it as clean as possible.
If you want to register your clan/team, please fill out the following small form and reply with it so we know a bit of basic information.
Clan Name:
Clan Time Zone:
Clan Officials: (We will contact these people)
Which Bracket: (Legacy/OSRS Mains/OSRS Pures)
Registration will close on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 8PM EST.

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These clans/teams are currently registered to fight in the competition. We asked a few clans if they were interested before opening this topic, these clans have been already placed in their respective places on the list. Clan officials of these clans are still encouraged to post the form as a reply so we can still get some basic information.

Oldschool F2P:
- Ronin (EST)
- Divine Forces
- Violent Resolution
- Iraq Dynasty
- Vitality
- Power Hunters
- Critical Damage (EST)
- Merlin (GMT +2) [Awaiting Confirmation due to troll like nature]
- Damage Incorporated (GMT/EST)
- Sovereign (GMT/EST)
- Regiment of Fedora Lords (GMT)
- Jaja (EST)

F2P Legacy:
- Downfall (EST)
- Exotic (-2 GMT/+3 EST)
- Critical Damage (EST)
- Hell Army (-2 GMT/+3 EST)
- Clan Europe (GMT)

Oldschool Pures:

Thank you for reading and I hope you make sure to take part in this tourny. It will be a lot of fun! Please do not fill the replies with hateful remarks about other clans or the tournament. If you are not interested in it, then just move along rather than flaming. If you have any suggestions for changes we should make or add, please let me know!

Most hyped war in runescape

What would you consider being the most hyped up war of all runescape?. Pre eoc to osrs you decide.

I thought vr vs rsd 23hr fight was pretty hyped up with huge pulls

Clans Focus

Reading over the forums the past few weeks I have noticed that there is too much focus on being driven into securing a higher position over another clan and showing your superiority. What ever happened to the fun of being in a clan, and making your clan what you want it to be and enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it?

I understand that we all play this game for one thing; F2P & P2P Warring & PKing. When we all started playing this game we all joined up to a clan to have fun with fellow players on the game and to enjoy each others company whilst we all urge our own personal quest on Runescape. The majority of the players have moved on from enjoying the clan that they are in to taking a different approach to what purpose we have all joined our clans for.  If our clan is all about Warring, and trying to beat certain clans to produce propaganda to try and sway the minds of individuals that we personally honestly don't care about what is the point?

Clan's being good or bad in the wilderness really do mean nothing. Clans stick together because there having fun, and each individual clan will find there own way to make there game play time enjoyable. A lot of us dont look back on our clan history as what did a certain clan achieve, they look back on what fun memories and moments they have had in a clan. When you catch up with an old clan members from a clan from a few years ago, you will find yourselves talking about memories you had in the clan and not about what the clan achieved as a whole.

Not many clans are left out there, and even with the few left none are on a regular basis having fun community events and playing the game together in various different ways among clan members. A lot of clans have been said to be rubbish, and joke clans of the clan world. To them, this means nothing. They enjoy there clan for what it is, and do what it is they want to be. Yes, every clan wants to be the best and prove there dominance but to do that there needs to be fair level of work & play in the clan. How on earth the Ronin vs Poison fight got to 25 pages is a clear indication that clans only care about there image and have ruled out the prospect of having fun.

So my question to you today, as future, past or present clanners where does the fun lay in your clan, and is it really what you want out of your clan? And can you as an individual strengthen your clans community?

I believe, what makes a clan is its community and activity. Clans who find ways to have fun that makes members interactive in there community have the tendency to make the clan make it as a clan.

Hey Clan world

Hey Clan world,

I used to game RS back in the days. After years of not even logging in, i've been wondering if there would be a point to try and get a little bit back into the game. The only reason I ever played this game was for clans.Do wars/run ins still exist today or do enough clans even exist ??

Could anyone just update me and tell me if its worth checking it out after so many years...?

Thanks a lot :)

If you read pure clan topics

What pure clan brings the best quality to the table.

Zerg unit
Eruption of pures
Corrupt pures
Leet tatics
Sudden knock out
Bloody Vikings
And to whoever I have missed . Sorry will add if spoken

I feel zerg unit is one of the best quality
Wise but lack the numbers. If they pulled 50, they could easily take down a clan with +10 on them

Fatality is obviously top dog until a real challenge is brought to them

If you could go back..

I understand everyone has a clan history. Let's say you went back how many years With the knowledge you know now.

What clan would you join as your first?

Corruption would probably be the clan of my choice. It was a clan I always thought I should join one day but when the time came they closed.

Rsd was my future and last clan to ever join but I was stuck in FF at the time and quit rs
For a year. Even though I was in the vr vs rsd 23 hr fight cause of FF being VR p2p clan, forcing all FF to app for vr


He's the new Leader of RONIN, how this will affect the clan world?

Holiday Tourney: Week 1 Fixtures


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday December 15 through Sunday December 21. A list of contacts for each participating clan will be found in the replies of the topic here. A list of contacts for each clan should be compiled here as well soon. If you cannot make contact with the other clan, please let us know, and we will try to connect the two clans.

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[Group A]

Vitality vs. Violent Resolution

Future of Old Style vs. Merlin

[Group B]

Reign of Terror vs. Team Trinity

Damage Incorporated - Bye

[Group C]

Iraq Dynasty/Darkside vs. Ben's Boyz

Jaja vs. Arroz

[Group D]

Sovereign vs. Ancient Fury

Regiment of Fedora Lords vs. Critical Damage

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[Group A]

Downfall vs. Arroz

Critical Damage vs. Hell Army

[Group B]

Extermination vs. Clan Europe

Wicked Fury vs. Clan Rorope

[Group C]

Wilderness Guardians vs. Exotic Clan

Team Crusade vs. Warriors of Heaven

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Coming soon...

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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After the clan battle takes place, we would like leaders to post their victory, or defeat in this topic. Although a representative of the tournament will most likely come to spectate the match, we would like leaders to post the scores of their fights on this topic. Please use the following form to announce how your clan did, and a leader of the opposing clan once again can quote the reply, and confirm it is correct. Feel free to also include any videos you may  have of the war, or a link to a winning topic on the zybez boards.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which clan do you represent)
Who won:
What was the score the rounds:
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