Channel: Runescape Clans
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Big clan world KDR boosting event at w25 gdz!

Feel free to attend :)

:hat: :hat: :hat:

Which is the biggest surprise in this 2 year long war?

A fight has gone on for the longest time in RuneScape history? The world the above fight has taken place in hasn't been knocked offline yet? The fight was a giant 1-item fest? The fight wasn't even manditory, to my knowledge. People actually had fun. Or something I am forgetting?

Would you rather go out for NYE or have a 31 hour 1 item fight?

2015 - What's in store?

Hi guys, Happy New Year. The aim of this topic is to rebirth at least some excitement for what is in store for the Clan World in 2015.

Predictions 2015:
Post firstly your predictions for the clanworld where you can go into specifics if you wish. Feel free to talk about 07 or RS3 or both. Try and avoid Beef

Innovations 2015:
Then secondly post any innovative ideas which could help spark activity and new life into the Clan world i.e. could RS3 clans integrate more with 07 clans and vice versa? Has absolutely everything been done to draw in outsiders into the Clan world?  Or is there still room for innovation?


Happy new years from 420 PKERS

Just a toast to the few members that were on just before getting off to go celebrate with the our family's and loved ones happy new year to the whole clan Community and lets make 2015 a big year for the Clan World.


Everyone knows that F2P hasn't been steadily active for more than 2 months, so my question is why?

We have seen a mass surge in P2P pking in the past couple of months with clans/teams almost out everyother day.  

What is the reason for P2P pking being the main focus in todays clan world with over 12 teams/clans open? (more than there was in 2010-2011).

When does it become a problem

Hello men, after watching the battle of new year eve between Rot and Ancient fury :king: i have decided to contemplate the effect this game may have on a persons real life.even though many fight have only been dragged on by those clans who just decide to outlast :suspect: Now we have all been there through the blood sweat and tears dying literally inside and out for our runescape clan during every hour of the night so i have question for you :hi:

? So riddle me this ?

1. WhaT is the longest u have ever fight for your runescape clan?

2. has your real life suffer due to it?

3. what are your general thought on those shame people who only want to outlast?

Ranking people with poor track records


Hey men was just wondering on your opinions of promoting people in your clans into leadership roles even if they have poor track record?

Examples of clans that have failed who's officials are now ranked in other clans = (Brutality , Solace) I won't mention names so we have good discussion and not flame war :)

ty for reading men let me know your thoughts :)

What happen to the Respect ?

Hello men, Today it witnessed the first f2p battle of 2015 where df and di defeated rot :innocent:  and it got me to consider some thoughts. I remember the glory days of runescape where clans showed some respect :yes: and it made me realize that most clans nowadays, mostly clans such as reign of terror and soverain show almost no respect toward their opponents before and after battle where in the past clans such as Trwf,Eternal honour, Runescape dinasty, The rising, Echo of silence, and current clans such as Violent resolution, damage incorporated,Ancient fury and Divine forces always showed respect toward their opponents, and judging by reign of terrors recent fall from grace its safe to say eventually the community will rally against EVIL

So riddle me this?

Why is it that so many clans now these days show so little respect toward eachother?

Is rots recent slump evidence that rude clans will always be Brought down eventually?

Holiday Tourney: Week 3 Fixtures - Last Week to Final Bracket


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday January 5 through Sunday January 11. A list of contacts for each participating clan will be found in the replies of the topic here.If you cannot make contact with the other clan, please let us know, and we will try to connect the two clans. This is the last week of qualifier matches between clans to make the final bracket.

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A lot of byes thanks to the drop outs...

[Group A]

Violent Resolution vs. Merlin


[Group B]

Reign of Terror - Bye

Team Trinity - Bye

[Group C]

Ben's Boyz vs. Arroz

Jaja - Bye

[Group D]

Sovereign - Bye

Ancient Fury - Bye

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[ Group A]

Downfall - Bye

(Lol Everyone Dropped out from Downfall?)

[Group B]

Extermination vs. Wicked Fury

Clan Europe vs. Clan Rorope

[Group C]

Wilderness Guardians vs. Team Crusade

Exotic vs. Warriors of Heaven

*Note if there are byes for both clans in a group, that means they have already fought, and all other clans in their group have dropped out.

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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After the clan battle takes place, we would like leaders to post their victory, or defeat in this topic. Although a representative of the tournament will most likely come to spectate the match, we would like leaders to post the scores of their fights on this topic. Please use the following form to announce how your clan did, and a leader of the opposing clan once again can quote the reply, and confirm it is correct. Feel free to also include any videos you may  have of the war, or a link to a winning topic on the zybez boards.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which clan do you represent)
Who won:
What was the score of the rounds:

Clan wars become Faction Wars?


So has runescape clan vs clan wars become Faction wars? Factions of Multiple clans allied together.

RoT + SV Vs AF + DF + VR Vs DI + AC

As of late these clear factions have shown. RoT have been sharing a Teamspeak religiously with SV, AF are often allowed on DF ts and DI often have several AC (?) on theirs.

These factions are stronger than clans.

RoT - gained a botnet + hundreds of IPs from allying with SV
VR - Rebuilt their clan under the protection of AF to the point they can now 1 vs 1 RoT
DF - Rebuilt their clan under the protection of AF to the point they can now 1 vs 1 DI
DI - A lot more scouting ability and number boost

Every major clan has gained from this making wars even higher at stake.

This topis isn't a flame towards any clan.


Of the 3 Factions, Who will truce first?
Will we ever see a top clan fight 1 vs 1 again?
Will CWA get more active?

Clan Appreciation

Stupid tablet, clicked on add, and it deleted my post ffs, but I will give it one more go!

As I sip on my post-morning coffee, wait, since I clicked on that add and had to re type this post, it is now finish my afternoon coffee on my day off from the rigors of retail, oh dear I am getting off track, let's get back to topic. I notice a bit of banter to belittle your fellow brethren. Indifference settles upon myself whilst glancing the topics of CD. Indifference because I am happy that you are continuing play the game you love, but saddened because there is no change. If I could cry, I probably still wouldn't shed a tear, because there are more important, no eff it, Clan Discussion is important! Resentment and anger can lead to motivation, but it is not healthy. My blood pressure rises while I skim through these topics. I get it, Ancient Fury and Rot do not get along, it is easy to recognize that fact. At this moment, I ask you all to switch polarity to the positive. I think if we can throw in some positive with negative, we can finally attract. What I ask, is easy in theory, but can be hard if you make it, and that is "can you think of three qualities of your rival/s" No, I do not think that can be done, so I will make things a bit more realistic, "can you think of two positive qualities amongst your rival/s"?

I apologize, I am actually retired from runescape so I will provide two positive characteristics of my rival "Bob's Store"

1. They have a wide selection of apparel from clothes and boots of many demographics. They also have Underarmor, although I do not own underarmor, I do love their product, but I am more own the husky side so it will be hard for me to pull off with my protruding gut.

2. Often have sales, and coupons to go along with the , so bargains can be obtained.

Now I will dip into runescape, I resent most, well, all of the remaining clans. The clan I resent most however, is Reign of Terror. I find their members to pretentious, and they poison clan discussion with their trolling. Setting that aside. I will list two positive characteristics of the beast that is ROT, man I hate giving them attention.

1. Their members are passionate, they act like they do not care, but they are continually remind us how awesome they are. I'm being serious, not saying that the other clans aren't awesome, but I think their pretentious attitude is just their confidence.

2. They refrain from the norm, do not post all their run ins, but let their actions speak along with their just as loud words that we see on this board.

Tldr version


List two positive qualities of your rival clan/s, it can be about a member if that helps you. Pretty please!



Has the clan world proven its Silicon?

The clan world has been around for a long time now, lets face it, is it ever going to truly die? I mean it's been around for about 27 years now and everyone has been predicting this year it ends, and it just goes on and on and on.

In your opinion, do you think the clan world could possibly survive 50 years,  or even 100?


What is your favorite era/year in the clan world?

What is your favorite era/year in the clan world and runescape in general.

Favorite time in clan world: I personally enjoyed the times when it was the slave alliance vs the holy alliance.

Favorite time on Runescape in general: I missed 2008 bh craters, have a lot of memories from then. Miss 2012 right before pre eoc when there was a lot of good updates like new armour/storm of armady/activity in the wilderness/etc.


Favorite time in clan world:

Favorite time on Runescape in general:

is it pride, or something, more....?

Hello men, i was thinking about some things today.... :innocent: and i have begun to realize some things about the current state of the men in the clan world.. :king: it has come to my attention over the past year or so since old school rune scape has begun to assimilate the whole clan world in 2013 :# . there is one thing in the clan world i have notice become more and more apparent and i reallly do not like this thing... :cry: i feel we have all begun to see that many member of a certain clan no matter what refuse to accept defeat on RSC or even on IRC . this is a trend i really hate since it never make sense to me how some member will always say they did not lose when in fact they did lost... :yes:. idk what happen to many member of this clan world being gracious and accept defeat but i habe some question now :hat:

Starving clans of fights

Some clans decide 'lets starve clan Z of fights'

Some clans strike members who die to clan Z because of how embarrassed they've become and how uncometitive they've become

Some clans decline all CWA or wilderness fights against clan Z and chose f2p single events once a week as the way forwards in their clan.

The reson clans starve fights is because they hope it makes that clan sufffer and decline from their superior rank. We  see #3 p2p clans threaten to strike members who die to the #1 p2p team and p2p pk in any way or form in the hope it hurts the #1 team to the point that the #3 can be semi-competitive

Does starving a clan of fights work as a tactic? If so/not why do you think so?

Personal answer:

Personally, I don't think starving a clan of fight has any impact. An example I will use is the recent AF vs RoT crashwar where RoT have striked (so far) 5 memebrs for p2p pking in their free time. AF find it funny and will then bait the angry members who foam at the mouth over runescape to the point that a few of the angry members quit or stop turning up to events.

I believe using this example of real events that starving a clan of fights has a negative impact on the clan doing the starving because they are unable to have any events and it leads to their members getting frustrated (which can lead to chronic issues such as binge eating junk food etc etc etc). Would be an interesting study to link obesity with runescape because i predict a relationship with starving clans of fights

Whats your Clans New Year Resolution?

Title pretty much explains it. Whats your Clans New Year Resolution? Keep it clean.

The Clan World Now

Describe the clan worlds current state in a sentence or less. I have been gone for a couple years and was wondering how it is. But I don't care enough to be reading novels about it so keep it short and sexy like my..... :#

Clan Awards 2014 - Results!


Clan Awards 2014 - Results

... and the results are in! There were quite a few categories that were very close which delayed the announcement of the winners by a few days while we recounted several times, while others were victories by landslides.

Special thanks to Unrated for making the underbanners for the awards.

The rules for underbanner use are as follows:


You may use ONE of these underbanners in addition to your current signature until April 1, 2015. After that, you are liable for the extra size, and could face suspension if you don't get it down. That means if you are using a clan underbanner, your sig can be 500x180 until April 1.


For those who won more than one, you can use a single cycling .gif. If you need help creating one, I suggest you create a topic in the Multimedia & Design forum. Keep in mind that signatures still have a 150kb file size limit.

If you have any questions, contact myself or a CD Mod+.


Best OSRS Clan (P2P)

Best OSRS Clan (F2P)

Best RS3 Clan

Best Overall Pure Clan

Best Fall In Leader

Best Tank

Best Poster

Funniest Poster

Best CD Staff Member

This topic will be archived in the Clan Archives subforum of Clan Videos where it will be pinned after a period of time.

Thank you to everyone for voting and best of luck in 2015!
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