Channel: Runescape Clans
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Return Of W141/clan Wars?

This idea is the only one I can think of that can actually bring in the recruits to the clan world and increase clan activities. Well this may be another topic about saving the clan world but please keep the hate on Lordship's topics (I'm sure you all hate him more then me, but it may not be the case after reading this topic). The idea is to convince MOD MAT K to bring clan wars/w141 back but before I must be able to convince you to help me convince MOD MAT K. There is 2 part of this topic:

i)  How would Clan wars/w141 be helpful?
ii) Why would Clan members from different clans may/may not want it.

Part 1 -How would Clan wars/w141 be helpful?

All of us started clanning somewhere. The part of us that made us want to be in a bigger clan was the aspect that we loved to fight other players in a team. Like 3 of us vs 5 of them or w/e the odds until we joined a big clan and actually like it. Now, it's hard to normally find people with this passion of fighting in small teams around runescape which makes it difficult to ask them "Would you want to join a clan for warring?". Currently, only minigame I can think of is castle wars, and it's pretty dead. So, with return of w141, there will be more people battling it out, and that's where we will head to in order to bring in fresh blood to the clan world.

The other reason clan wars can increase clan activity is that, as of now the clans only fight on Sundays and its a cluster of around 2 hours. This will give smaller clans/teams to fight without getting crashed and increase more activity. Don't tell me that Clan wars right now won't increase clan activity, since as of now clan world is already pretty much dead so even a bit will help clans fight. Yes a few months ago, I would have said we don't need any teams, but now we all know that we need more wars and action and teams will bring it for sure.


So please, I have 1 request forget about whatever happened in the past. Present is what matter, we need new blood and we need the w141 to bring it. We need more wars/actions and we need the clan wars to bring it.

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