3rd Birthday! Hell yeah!
Three years ago today, one of the greatest, most elite CWA/PvP/Karaoke/Movie/LoL/Minecraft team was born. As a team, we have been through a lot of crap in 2007; without the leadership and staff, and our current, powerful member base we would not have made it this far. Many people out there dislike us because of our unorthodox style, we are a team that prefers karaoke events over pvp events, and movie nights over gwd. But that is what makes us special, our dominant community is what keeps this team going. Our adventure in 2007 scape is an interesting one for sure. Not long after our first few PvP events, every single of our 2007 fights have been crashed and sniped. We are a resilient team that will never back down, no matter what. We have been crashed repeatedly by over half of the clan world, but we give no crap because that's how we roll. As CWA prods, and as our origins dating way back to CWA, we give no crap about any clans or teams out there! Cuss we be getting more head than a blow dryer! Finally, I want to say thank everybody who has been with us through the hard and rough times, and also thank you to the ex-tt members/officials!
Here are a few messages from the officials =)
Falsey シ, on 19 March 2014 - 02:59 PM, said:
Uh, where do i start... I kinda joined very oddly, Jeff and Tiff told me to intro so i did, not really knowing what TT was, or what i was doing tbh, but then i gave it a shot, came to a war and owned lol. I was like YO TIFF, wheres my member and i got it without apping ;). I was a member of TT for about a month or 2, then i got LT which is now commander. I was pumped, ready to go, started calling at fights and we just owned. I retired, then came back to a Council rank. Although i havent been in TT for the whole 3 years, im looking forward to destroying the competition until RS comes to an end. TT Pride yo.
Desert, on 19 March 2014 - 12:21 AM, said:
When Charlydog4 asked me to come on his team's teamspeak to help him figure something out, I would have never thought it would take me this far. That was in early 2011. Seeing Team Trinity come this far and make it to this third birthday of ours is what makes it all worth it. Team Trinity isn't just a team. If we were, we wouldn't have made it any further than the other teams that closed. We have fought through ups and downs, and always do what we have to. This isn't a team that relies on winning at any cost. We bounce back from our losses and learn from them. Our amazing community keeps our spirits up and motivates us. Because of this, we will always be the best. We have already proven what we can get through, and there are only good times to come. I want to thank each and every person who has been a part of the Legacy known as Team Trinity, and it doesn't end here. I look forward to yet another amazing year here with everybody. Let's do this #TT-Pride!
Rene, on 18 March 2014 - 08:25 PM, said:
Procrastinators unite!
Anyways, here is my pararaph--
I joined Team Trinity accidentally, orginally due to some beef, but in time, it has come to be one of my best RS decisions I've ever made. Team Trinity has given me a completely new experience in RS and one I will never forget. I made countless of friendships, and have had loads of good times, ranging from the fun karaoke events to just the general amazing community that we have. I've met some amazing people and friends who I will surely talk to years after we make our way off of Runescape. I'm proud to say that I've been in this amazing team and here's to many more years to come (:
PS-Pablo, transformice and anime are not gay![:wub:]()
E-Sorry for the poo paragraph. not good at these kind of things T_T
Anyways, here is my pararaph--
I joined Team Trinity accidentally, orginally due to some beef, but in time, it has come to be one of my best RS decisions I've ever made. Team Trinity has given me a completely new experience in RS and one I will never forget. I made countless of friendships, and have had loads of good times, ranging from the fun karaoke events to just the general amazing community that we have. I've met some amazing people and friends who I will surely talk to years after we make our way off of Runescape. I'm proud to say that I've been in this amazing team and here's to many more years to come (:
PS-Pablo, transformice and anime are not gay

E-Sorry for the poo paragraph. not good at these kind of things T_T
Cozza, on 08 March 2014 - 09:10 PM, said:
No but seriously.
I came here to host your forums and that was it, I ended up being grasped into the TT community, mainly because I got harassed 24/7 by errors/fixes/solutions/suggestions and one day Durateen told me to move into a channel and I got greeted warmly (I usually just moved into a hidden channel and mute and talk on EOS ts). The karaokes were fun (at first), and then ever since i've been hooked into TT's community (excluding league and whatnot talk). From singing my humps/beep/ at 6am and listening people to try and do rap god every karaoke, I've never experienced something like TT's community before, there has been a lot of drama recently but all that has passed hopefully and you'll think twice before inviting sociopaths onto the TS, all you can really do now is rebuild the community to what it was and think before you let people embed themselves into the community.
Back to business after my rant, I've met some good people whilst being here, I've even grew strong friendships with people from the past and present, I've dealt with a ton of drama, in fact more than I've ever experienced before.
We can win
I came here to host your forums and that was it, I ended up being grasped into the TT community, mainly because I got harassed 24/7 by errors/fixes/solutions/suggestions and one day Durateen told me to move into a channel and I got greeted warmly (I usually just moved into a hidden channel and mute and talk on EOS ts). The karaokes were fun (at first), and then ever since i've been hooked into TT's community (excluding league and whatnot talk). From singing my humps/beep/ at 6am and listening people to try and do rap god every karaoke, I've never experienced something like TT's community before, there has been a lot of drama recently but all that has passed hopefully and you'll think twice before inviting sociopaths onto the TS, all you can really do now is rebuild the community to what it was and think before you let people embed themselves into the community.
Back to business after my rant, I've met some good people whilst being here, I've even grew strong friendships with people from the past and present, I've dealt with a ton of drama, in fact more than I've ever experienced before.
We can win
Tiffany, on 08 March 2014 - 06:40 PM, said:
Gandalf asked me to join about 2 years ago. At first i was reluctant, but after Gandalf's constant stalking and mass spamming me to join, I decided to join only to shut him up. Eventually I started enjoying the Fights. People never took the game too seriously and they always had fun. I soon got involved in the community and really enjoyed it. I ranked myself to Leader after demoting Gandalf to an app manager.
We went inactive as eoc died off and 07 came back.
Gandalf once again cast his persuasive magic skills and he asked jeff and I to help him make TT active again for 07. We hesitated but eventually we agreed.
We started off pretty well with amazing pulls but as beef stirred in the main clans, TT suffered from the beef. As a result, we had to deal with constant sniping.
Our core members and our community is what kept us going. It's always nice to know that the community does not solely depend on the warring aspects of rs.
We went inactive as eoc died off and 07 came back.
Gandalf once again cast his persuasive magic skills and he asked jeff and I to help him make TT active again for 07. We hesitated but eventually we agreed.
We started off pretty well with amazing pulls but as beef stirred in the main clans, TT suffered from the beef. As a result, we had to deal with constant sniping.
Our core members and our community is what kept us going. It's always nice to know that the community does not solely depend on the warring aspects of rs.
Jeff, on 08 March 2014 - 06:40 PM, said:
"I joined TT back in 2011, but I was a garbage member. Only came to wars when I felt like it and prioritized anything over TT. A huge factor of that was because I never really got into the community, not until EOC tbh. Once TT started warring in EOC, I decided to see how things would go and gave it a try. Never regretted one bit of it, and I'm glad to have made this decision. Once 2007scape came out, the team world started dying, and Gandalf wanted to continue TT. Of course, I really liked TT's members and community, but thought it would be impossible to continue on. However, with the help of a few friends, we got slowly worked our way back up, and never really looked back down after that. Sure, our event's aren't as great as they used to be; Many old friends disappeared, and a lot of new friends came into TT's wonderful community. Of course, it's much different from what it used to be, but the community is filled with an amazing bunch of friends. Yes... friends, we all basically know each other and don't mind each other. We've had our ups and our downs just like any other team and clan out there, but one thing we'll never lose, is the respect that we have from our current, retired, and ex-members. Mainly because we made the impossible, possible. I've pretty much given up a lot for TT, and all I can say is I never regretted the decision I made. Proud to be not only a TT rank, but to also be a member of a great community."
Venomous, on 19 March 2014 - 07:34 PM, said:
Joined Team trinity this past year, never seen a team with a community considering most people just care about their main clans. This teamspeak has always been alive filled with people in it. The ranks always address issues if there are any, and when I was back in TKO, TT was a pretty good rival team to fight with. In a short amount of time that I've been with TT so far, it's been going well. Got closer with people that I used to hate/beef with. ;)
Unrated, on 19 March 2014 - 02:59 PM, said:
Team Trinity is a great community and will always revolve around the ideas of making there members content and will continue to flourish as a community. Originally joined to host forums and teamspeak but eventually Lethal_Hero convinced me to give runescape another try. One thing led to another and I ended up becoming as active as I possibly could. Through out the time I spent here I met a bunch of wonderful officials. I met some very eccentric people, I met some very knowledgeable people, I grew to love the team. What can I say I don't regret joining Team Trinity, I do regret not joining sooner.
Signed, 031514
Signed, 031514
A list of our past officials
Winter awards are up also http://rs-trinity.ne...?showtopic=3094
Shout outs:
- stink our h8ers!
- TT Members
- TT officials
- Ex-tt!
Forum topic: http://rs-trinity.ne...?showtopic=3124