HAR, on 17 August 2014 - 09:41 AM, said:
Dear all,
As I'm sure you'll all agree (as it's definitely not secret), the UN has been both massively inactive and, with particular regard to the no-crashing rule etc., pointless in terms of it's focus. CD Leaders and Kings were evaluating whether or not to remove the forum as it's activity is one of the lowest of the whole board and that's combined with how ineffective its supposed purpose is.
Cera S6 came up with an idea however, not to restore the UN, but to simply change what it is here for - and this is sort of a 'last chance' for the forum itself that the Kings etc. agreed to.Essentially, instead of this being a powerless policing body, this forum's primary purpose will be changed to a direct route of contact between Clan Leaders & JMods.
True 2k8 has already spoken to Mod Ronan who has kindly agreed and stated that he wants to take up a more active role here. Mod Mat K has also posted here in the past and we are looking to encourage this interaction further.
How do clans benefit?
A direct port of call for presenting ideas to JMods, discussing said ideas and for JMods to give potential feedback and feasibility issues etc. Of course it doesn't stop you for discussing clanning events or looking for fights as has been done in the past. The idea is that if a member has an idea, they can let their respective leader know who can then post here for discussion.
How do the JMods benefit?
I know particular individuals meet with JMods from time to time but the main hope is that JMods will get much easier access to, and a better platform on which to discuss ideas with, the most influential people in clanning. Of course as officials, we'd expect you are also the most mature so an actual meaningful discussion can take place throughout as opposed to being drowned out by pages of pointless comments.
With the recent activity sweep, this weekend I'll be clearing out all those who should no longer be here leaving this forum primarily for clan leaders. From there we will invite all clans regardless of their history with the UN back. I've tried updating the clan directory also however I (and others who've tried) keep getting errors every time we go to make changes - so unfortunately we haven't been able to work around it and it will likely be removed. Thanks to those who did submit details prior and during the last sweep.
If you've got any questions, feel free to PM True, Cera or myself.
As I'm sure you'll all agree (as it's definitely not secret), the UN has been both massively inactive and, with particular regard to the no-crashing rule etc., pointless in terms of it's focus. CD Leaders and Kings were evaluating whether or not to remove the forum as it's activity is one of the lowest of the whole board and that's combined with how ineffective its supposed purpose is.
Cera S6 came up with an idea however, not to restore the UN, but to simply change what it is here for - and this is sort of a 'last chance' for the forum itself that the Kings etc. agreed to.Essentially, instead of this being a powerless policing body, this forum's primary purpose will be changed to a direct route of contact between Clan Leaders & JMods.
True 2k8 has already spoken to Mod Ronan who has kindly agreed and stated that he wants to take up a more active role here. Mod Mat K has also posted here in the past and we are looking to encourage this interaction further.
How do clans benefit?
A direct port of call for presenting ideas to JMods, discussing said ideas and for JMods to give potential feedback and feasibility issues etc. Of course it doesn't stop you for discussing clanning events or looking for fights as has been done in the past. The idea is that if a member has an idea, they can let their respective leader know who can then post here for discussion.
How do the JMods benefit?
I know particular individuals meet with JMods from time to time but the main hope is that JMods will get much easier access to, and a better platform on which to discuss ideas with, the most influential people in clanning. Of course as officials, we'd expect you are also the most mature so an actual meaningful discussion can take place throughout as opposed to being drowned out by pages of pointless comments.
With the recent activity sweep, this weekend I'll be clearing out all those who should no longer be here leaving this forum primarily for clan leaders. From there we will invite all clans regardless of their history with the UN back. I've tried updating the clan directory also however I (and others who've tried) keep getting errors every time we go to make changes - so unfortunately we haven't been able to work around it and it will likely be removed. Thanks to those who did submit details prior and during the last sweep.
If you've got any questions, feel free to PM True, Cera or myself.
Like mentioned above, we will be inviting all clans back into the UN, using it as a direct line of communication with Jagex Moderators. We have also decided we will be allowing five representatives for each clan.
If you have any questions or need to request access, feel free to PM HAR, True or myself.