If you're a history buff like I am, you would know that history has a tendency to repeat itself. That saying, though intended for use of pointing out a mistake twice made, can be said of clans in RuneScape (in a more positive way). When we look at the trends of RuneScape, we will find that the following is true: new players make this game grow. Imagine this if you will: upon creation, RuneScape was very small indeed. After generating enough buzz and success, however, the player base rapdly grew and the game became more advanced, welcoming and fun. With the arrival of the Wilderness and clans, the game became so much more for many different people. It was a way to make friends, build relationships, make enemies and stake our claims to dominance. We were having the times of our lives.
Fast forward into 2005, we could see that the players, and more specifically, the players in clans, grew to massive peaks. There were more clans and more players in them than ever before. This period, from 2005-2007 is what we refer to as "The Golden Age". But what exactly gave this point in time its greatness? Curiosity.
Speaking from a personal experience, I know the power that the feeling of curiosity can have on a person. I was About 14 when I was searching Google for tips on PK'íng. My character was in the mid level 40s, and I was interested in becoming a PK'er. One search led to another and at the end of it, I came across a download link for a video: Wilderness Guardians v.s. The Unbreakables. This was the very first clan-related anything that I had ever seen or known about. I was in complete awe at what I was viewing, I can remember to this day the songs playing as the video pressed forward. But we come back to that earlier word: curiosity. "What is a clan? Why are these two very large groups fighting? How is this a possibilty?"
This video and the questions I had indeed asked myself, sparked my love and passion for the concept of clans. I had decided that I wanted to immerse myself into the world of clanning. Spending countless hours lost in thought on how to join the Wilderness Guardians, the clan I respected so greatly. I've even created my own clan for fun, which fell flat horribly (twice... I was very young and naive
). I will in the future even unveil a clan I'm working on (there's something to think about, my friends). New players coming into the game and old players migrating and integrating back into it will help the game and clans grow to the levels we once knew. It is through this understanding that I bring this topic to a close.
Players will come, players will go. We were once young and feeling at the top of the world. We may be getting older now, and the game is in many ways extremely different. We may be of different beliefs, walks of life and even in-game factions/clans. One thing we should know: this game is not yet done, and for a few of us, we are not yet done with this game. As long as this game pushes forward, and new players begin their adventures, we will have another Golden Age. It may not be right for some people, and it may not be for quite some time, but it is an inevitability. I sincerely thank you for reading, and hope the discussions that spawn from this topic will be of our mutual love for clans and of understanding.
Fast forward into 2005, we could see that the players, and more specifically, the players in clans, grew to massive peaks. There were more clans and more players in them than ever before. This period, from 2005-2007 is what we refer to as "The Golden Age". But what exactly gave this point in time its greatness? Curiosity.
Speaking from a personal experience, I know the power that the feeling of curiosity can have on a person. I was About 14 when I was searching Google for tips on PK'íng. My character was in the mid level 40s, and I was interested in becoming a PK'er. One search led to another and at the end of it, I came across a download link for a video: Wilderness Guardians v.s. The Unbreakables. This was the very first clan-related anything that I had ever seen or known about. I was in complete awe at what I was viewing, I can remember to this day the songs playing as the video pressed forward. But we come back to that earlier word: curiosity. "What is a clan? Why are these two very large groups fighting? How is this a possibilty?"
This video and the questions I had indeed asked myself, sparked my love and passion for the concept of clans. I had decided that I wanted to immerse myself into the world of clanning. Spending countless hours lost in thought on how to join the Wilderness Guardians, the clan I respected so greatly. I've even created my own clan for fun, which fell flat horribly (twice... I was very young and naive

Players will come, players will go. We were once young and feeling at the top of the world. We may be getting older now, and the game is in many ways extremely different. We may be of different beliefs, walks of life and even in-game factions/clans. One thing we should know: this game is not yet done, and for a few of us, we are not yet done with this game. As long as this game pushes forward, and new players begin their adventures, we will have another Golden Age. It may not be right for some people, and it may not be for quite some time, but it is an inevitability. I sincerely thank you for reading, and hope the discussions that spawn from this topic will be of our mutual love for clans and of understanding.