Every clan has a leader(s) who goes above and beyond to help the clan succeed. Be it the sole Leader, a Council member, Applicant Manager, PK Leader or Warlord, every one plays an important role in how smoothly the clan is run. Leaders and Warlord often get the most recognition and rightfully so, but whom among your leadership do you appreciate and why? Is it because of how much work they keep up with, their ability to lead fall-ins during battle, or their effect on the community?
Whom among your leadership do you appreciate and why?
If I had to choose someone right now I'd probably pick Oergg of Damage Incorporated. As one of the Advisors he is always doing his best to help the clan succeed. The lengths he goes through to be online and attend fights are a little beyond what I would do, so I have to commend him for that. Though fanatical at times he is almost always over-prepared for any sort of upcoming update or PKRI and often helps prepare others in the best possible ways. On top of that he's very vocal on Reddit/Twitter communities when it comes to grabbing Jagex's attention. He even happened to be the first to cross the idea of a CWA Classic Map being added to a Jagex Moderator via Twitter. Oergg has my shout out for the day.
[b]Whom among your leadership do you appreciate and why?[/b]
Whom among your leadership do you appreciate and why?
If I had to choose someone right now I'd probably pick Oergg of Damage Incorporated. As one of the Advisors he is always doing his best to help the clan succeed. The lengths he goes through to be online and attend fights are a little beyond what I would do, so I have to commend him for that. Though fanatical at times he is almost always over-prepared for any sort of upcoming update or PKRI and often helps prepare others in the best possible ways. On top of that he's very vocal on Reddit/Twitter communities when it comes to grabbing Jagex's attention. He even happened to be the first to cross the idea of a CWA Classic Map being added to a Jagex Moderator via Twitter. Oergg has my shout out for the day.