Most of those midweek fights in the Wilderness have now been substituted with CWA. But it seems that the more popular fights in CWA are F2P only. Occasionally clans will have P2P fights in Clan Wars, but generally F2P seems to be the more favored choice.
Once dismissed as meaningless, these fights in CWA are gaining popularity and have been becoming more important. What's your opinion on fights in the Clan Wars Arena?
What's your opinion on fights in the Clan Wars Arena?
As much as I'd rather fight in the Wilderness, every fight is important and if you don't care about winning then you shouldn't be competing. Personally I think it's a good thing to keep your clan on its toes and remain active throughout the week even with fights in Clan Wars. F2P fights aren't as frequent as they once were and it's nice to have events like this to keep F2P alive.
Knowing the difference between CWA and the Wilderness you might rank certain clans a bit higher than others. As is the case with Fools who seem to have beaten every top clan and have enjoyed some of the most success in CWA. Then there's always the few teams out there who have been created with the sole purpose of fighting in CWA. It just seems like there's a lot more options and competition when it comes to Clan Wars.
The ability to have matched fights is one of the big pluses. Considering how quick clans are to turn on each other it's hard to trust anyone as far as you can throw them. Having a matched fight in the Wilderness is sketchy business, especially with mass name-changing. Without the ability to return or log in the middle of the fight when you weren't participating to begin with in Clan Wars it eliminates the ability to cheat.
We haven't fought in P2P CWA much other than to mess around. I wouldn't be opposed to having some matched fights with gear restrictions though. Otherwise the ability to go in there with maxed gear without having to risk any of it just takes the realistic side of a multi fight out of it.
There's still some flaws with CWA. The ability leave during a run-in without being marked for a kill even after being attacked is one of them. I don't remember this ever being the case back in 2008/2009, so I'm not sure why they haven't changed that yet. The maps are terrible and it's probably why most clans use The Plateau map. Even then there's not many landmarks to really direct anyone. Disconnections and DDoSing are always going to be a problem as well. In the end it's still something to do and I have fun with it. I'm sure there's a lot of us that only play for the clan anyhow, so any type of fight is enjoyable.