You either spy for cash or you spy/pay for a shot in the team. Let it be known that recently departed members of the following teams are not permitted to apply but can donate gp. (This list is subject to change without notice):
- Reign of Terror
- Sovereign
- Solace
- Masters of Zamorak
- The official runescape forums clan
If you are currently in one of these teams and wish to apply than you must contact #af-staff officials prior to quitting. On the other hand, if you just want to donate a couple mils a week but don't want to leave your current team you are also encouraged to contact #af-staff officials. It's also worth considering if you currently don't meet our combat requirements or you are a complete spactic and want to donate some cash to the #sharewithpond or the #****itletsstake or the #wwerunescapefanbois foundations of love, then by all means donate a way. This is also a good way to meet some of your future officials/gods in the process [Image blocked; please upload it at an approved host.].
DO NOT contact us on forums. Send either of us a message on IRC:

/msg John_Cena
/msg ^]^
/msg ^[^
/msg ^o^
/msg ^v^
If you do not get through to these people then mass pm/highlight in all channels the following person to donate your gp.
Hello men I would like to let you know that this offer is currently a limited time thing so send your offers in asap we only need around 5 spies in each clan and we currently have:
- Reign of Terror - 3 spies
- Sovereign - 4 spies
- Solace - 5 spies
- Masters of Zamorak - 2 spies
- The official runescape forums clan - 1 spie
thanks for reading as I said we only need 5 spies per team and the list above illustrates how much of a hot commodity being a spy for us is.