Since it's become apparent some teams enjoy fighting in CWA almost as much as they enjoy fighting side-by-side, we are now offering them the chance to come together once again and fight us on their "home turf" (CWA).
Date / Time:
Up for discussion
RoT fights as one
AF/VR/DF/DI can fight under one CC / TS
First to 200-500 kills (you choose)
All styles
Accept or Decline?
/query brian289 @SwiftIRC
/query erik @SwiftIRC
/query Mattbrazil_2 @SwiftIRC
Date / Time:
Up for discussion
RoT fights as one
AF/VR/DF/DI can fight under one CC / TS
First to 200-500 kills (you choose)
All styles
Accept or Decline?
/query brian289 @SwiftIRC
/query erik @SwiftIRC
/query Mattbrazil_2 @SwiftIRC