Over the Past 14 years Gladz as a clan has evolved, survived, and thrived. From the days of warring in full outs and achieving #1, to the changes and adjustments of the PKRI/CWRI era, and even now changing and adapting as a community and events clan. Gladz has stood the test of time, and during that time those who have come and gone as well as those who have stayed throughout all the years were able to create friendships and memories that are even still looked back on with smiles. After sending out a lot of pm's to members over various ranks, both active and retired, the feedback of some of the best moments in Gladz are listed below. These only represent a small fraction of what has happened over the past 14 years but I hope you can look at these with pride and even add in some of your favorite memories as well!
Atanas, on 27 January 2015 - 01:14 AM, said:
Warring is the only part of the game that was illogical. You spend a bunch of money on gear and food that you fully expect to lose. If you win, you get nothing since looting is counter productive. If you lose, you're out for quite a few GP. That's why warring was special - the only reason to do it was the pure joy of dominating. But I digress.
For starters, Gladz didn't always dominate. In fact, during my long tenure as an active player, we probably spent more time getting our asses handed to us than dominating. That almost made it more fun though. There was always something to strive for, always ways to improve. I liked challenging myself to become better and sharing the knowledge I gained in that quest.
Now, to be completely honest, my most memorable moment in Gladz is quite a selfish one. It happened during a clan wars war with The Rising (while free trade was restricted). This was part of a tournament, and we had a decent chance of beating them an moving onto the next round. I think it was a 40 v 40 or a 44v42 (something along those lines). TR took an early lead of 1-2 people. If I remember correctly they extended that lead to almost 5 people. Thankfully as the numbers dwindled Deathstar, Stunner, and Dirtbag all tanked like beasts and brought the margin down to only a 1 person lead for TR. Somewhere in the low 20s v 20s, TR hopped on me while I was hybriding. In what is perhaps my greatest tanking moment, I put on my full rune and proceeded to take them on several merry laps around the battlefield. I perfectly mage prayed every single one of their binds and tanked while we took out 2.5 of their people, giving us the lead for the first time in the war. I still have a recording from TR which shows people in their cc freaking out and telling everyone to bring out binds, then giving up and telling the caller to get off me. I get shivers even now thinking about how pissed off they got haha. Unfortunately, when I eventually died they 1-hit Jeannebell and targeted a few people who were low on food due to snipers. This quickly gained the lead back for them, and they eventually won with a few people to spare.
This war did a couple things for me. It helped me realize that I was actually a pretty decent tank and gave me the confidence to really put my energy into teaching others to do it as well, and it frustrated the hell out of me, which motivated me even further.
So yah, perhaps not the most exciting or touchy-feely memory ever, but it's honest. I loved warring with Gladz and I loved trying to make Gladz stronger. Today, I shudder to think how many hours I threw into this game and this clan, yet I feel like if I had the choice, I'd probably do it again. :wubgladz:
This isn't the video of the Fight Atanas was talking about but It's against the same clan:
Unbeaten, on 31 January 2015 - 05:08 AM, said:
/probably was better at the time than my story telling ha
Forgive me for the publicity guys :sekretz: , but that karaoke night Sas sang “Hero” by Enrique Inglesias and Travis’s legendary request of “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred was a blast. And Gabby’s reaction to it was the cherry to top it all off.
I didn't think the rest needed descriptions; So many memories have been created thanks to Gladz events!
Ymesocool, on 06 February 2015 - 06:36 PM, said:
I have had a few memorable times in Gladz.
Of course there were the PvP moments, from the older wars against BK in the '06 era to the new rivalries we established with clans like Downfall around '09. It was a ton of fun to get the clan pumped to respresent Gladz.
But my favorite memories were honestly when we would just be hanging out with friends in TS. Bob, Tristan, Tim, Rhonda, Ethan, James Potter and I would get in a channel and just make jokes or play all sorts of random games from Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress to DrawMyThing and Monopoly. Memories and moments like that were what caused me to stay in the clan for so long and I wouldn't trade those for anything.
A Dark Heart, on 03 February 2015 - 12:28 AM, said:
2.) James scaring the **** out of me every min when he was cleaning his guns over ts one morning while me and motoxchamp were sitting in room stoned off our asses watching retarded YouTube videos.
3.)the none sense rivalry between gladz and bk that crept in after an old bk leader was declined. **** was hilarious.
4.)Hess's cousin obsessed with your fingers cover in chocolate.
5.)being thrown into a war with only two days after joining against dragon wood with no warring experience and a small tanking practice from drabi.
6.)ummmmm drunk covo with my bro Gavin.
7.) late nights in the rumor mill
8.) I'm just rambling on I honestly can't remember allot, damn marijuana ****ing up my memory. :(
feel free to revise the things I listed.
Sansa, on 25 January 2015 - 08:08 PM, said:
AmusedDragon, on 25 January 2015 - 08:14 PM, said:
Good times.
Mr Hydration, on 08 February 2015 - 10:16 AM, said:
Memphus, on 25 January 2015 - 11:52 PM, said:
Worst moment: Being locked as NPK during the Karamja war (wasn't a Gladiator at the time, but I was friends with Jerico so I brought him food)
Most of my favorite clan moments involve laughter - lots of it. To keep it short I picked my 3 favorites though.
First there is the pre-war/fight prep. Spamming, chatting with clanmates, random events kidnapping everyone, and epic pictures.
Next we have trawler events. We always went for 3 rounds, with the last trip being an intentional sinking round. An all-around good time for everyone.
And last, we have the level 3 events. Primarily pk trips, we traditionally did them as Jerico clones (black girl with pink pig tails) and a themed name - from "jerico," to Pokemon, names involving other clans, and one of my favorites - ho names. Most of the time we went pking, starting in Varrock wilderness and ending up at greater demons, awaiting unsuspecting scouts (and on occasion, clans, not realizing we were just noobs).
Here is an April Fool's clan wars event.. where we showed up to a fight as level 3 accounts (with our real accounts waiting of course, but not before the slaughter happened to our noobs).
We of course wiped the floor with them in round 2 ;)
Looking through old event pictures brings back a lot of memories. It took me hours to look through the pictures because I kept remembering other events and having to talk things over with Ethan, as one recollection would lead to another.
Thanks for nearly 10 years of memories, Gladiatorz.
Ethan, on 02 February 2015 - 08:40 PM, said:
Ripply, on 15 February 2015 - 12:59 AM, said:
Fair Value, on 11 February 2015 - 11:26 PM, said:
CosMoee, on 02 February 2015 - 10:37 PM, said:
There's not a moment in cc that isn't my favorite tbh :P
Legendary DJ, on 25 January 2015 - 10:34 PM, said:
On a personal level, was nice to rejoin and see old clanmates from 5-6 years ago and meet members who joined after I left. Though this clan has changed alot over these years, its nice to see that we're active and we're far from ending.