I'm not sure if it's just me, but do others also notice an increase in activity throughout the wild and on Forums in the clan world? It seems like there are fights daily right now, with everybody currently in the clan world seeming somewhat stable.
Along with this, the implementation of permanent F2P has brought old faces back to the scene; Eg EoS reopening and a couple Gmt clans training up (?). This permanent f2p has also surged the F2p wildy activity, before the update, other than 1v1 single edge, the f2p pvp worlds would be empty, but now small teams and groups of pkers can be seem from lvl 1 varrock all the way to hills and GDZ.
Has the clan world finally changed it's direction? do you see this trend continuing?
Along with this, the implementation of permanent F2P has brought old faces back to the scene; Eg EoS reopening and a couple Gmt clans training up (?). This permanent f2p has also surged the F2p wildy activity, before the update, other than 1v1 single edge, the f2p pvp worlds would be empty, but now small teams and groups of pkers can be seem from lvl 1 varrock all the way to hills and GDZ.
Has the clan world finally changed it's direction? do you see this trend continuing?