I've been in this team for about 1 year and 5 months? I remember joining just to host the forums and teamspeak after a good friend asked me to give him a helping hand. I joined and quickly began to enjoy it and fell inlove with the members there and I grew to call this team my home and admired many people that came in and out of this team. I love the good friends I've made in this team and love my other-half for being apart of the team with me as well. It's a team formed of friends and it's still a team always focused on friendship and strong bonds while we move forward in a fast changing game. Trinity - Past, Present, and Future.
Jared (censored for RSC purposes LOL)
Where to begin... I joined TT in late September and if you can believe it or not I was recruited by Bennie ( i know right lmfao?). When I first joined TT I was your usual member, I showed up to events and just went with the flow. Some how (I honestly don't remember how... Yes i know my memory sucks) I got into backup calling from time to time when needed and then eventually I started calling more and more. After awhile I was promoted along with @#Venomous to officer. I was an officer for a few more months before cody and mike decided to consolidate the leadership positions into the advisor role. For some reason @Cody and @Mike thought it would be a good idea to promote me to leader a few days ago, I think they must have been drunk, high or both. Well maybe Cody got so excited after finally (censor) ( he's never done this before this point) that he couldn't control it... I dont know but I ended up as leader. Those of you who know me and talk me know me as a generally laid back spastic. Who loves to troll people like Falsey for being a one hit ( even though this is true) @Cody for never having touched (censored) ( also true),Tiffany for being one of the nicest people ive met and my best friend, @Mike for being an awkward spic( only the spic part is true), #Jim for being in DF and a (censored) now ( both of which are not true anymore!) #Venomous for being an inactive (censored) ( not true but I don't really troll ron ever so I have nothing to put), @›sudo_ for being in a (censored) pure clan ( I dont hate eop but I hate pures.... sorry ( all true once again), @Joko189 for being a reallly awkward quiet (censored) ( all true), @Phaeo for being a (censored), aka not telling anyone his name and being a scared (censored) about everything ( all true like everything else ive said so far) and lastly #Pedro from being in a 3rd world country with no clean water and having (censored) ( all true). Though I come off this way I do generally care TT and everyone in it. The people here are wonderful, and the times shared on TS and IRC have been irreplaceable. I wish the best for everyone who has ever been TT, Is currently in TT and those of you who want to join in the future. It is a community of people like no other. Happy Birthday Pals =]
On March 19th, it is the birthday of Team Trinity. Basically, the first part of my words and wisdom is to express my gratitude towards all of the officials, leaders, and admins. I know I haven't been the most active this month and I have been quiet lately. However, you guys are all working as a unit and getting progress done as if I am not even needed. Out of all the years that this team has been open, you guys are probably the most stable group of officials that Trinity has had and because of that we are able to improve and actually compete. I know we aren't at the level of performance that we want ourselves to be in, but you guys are trying your hardest and it makes me happy to see that. And all you have made your mark in the community =)
Four years ago, I was a spastic, naive, and had little to no clue in leading a clan. However, I was lucky enough to meet people, friends, that would assist me in creating the foundation of this wonderful team into what it is right now. People never would have imagined that the team would last this long; we survived through different phases and changes the clan community and runescape has gone through. Team Trinity has managed to stay resilient in the face of diversity, plenty of clans and teams have attempted to close us, but they all failed miserably. We were able to keep a stable community, which helped us survive and fight.
Although we have been around for 4 years now, we are still looking forward to continually improving. Being the best is not what we value the most in the team, what we value is having fun and finding joy in the events. The main clan world right now is in a mess because of the crash war, but don't let the crash war hinder the team. We will continue to accept any member to be apart of our team, and we will always be willing to give anyone action. We even became more flexible by doing other events other than cwa F2P. So no matter what, we suck or we the best, we will always be number one in my heart <333 Happy Birthday fam!
Sometime between September and October I was informed about Team Trinity by Pencil Ass himself, Stl Arrow. I was eerie to join at first. I was brand new to the clan scene. I wasn't sure how much time Divine Forces would take. Eventually I passed my FA process in DF and decided to give TT a shot, also to get Pencil Ass to quit spamming my IRC. I met a lot of new people and got closer to people I knew. They helped me learn the basics, very quickly, and still are teaching me what it takes to be the best. TT has done so much for me and continues to do so much. In terms of community and abilities. I've only been on council for a short time and I lack the experience most people have, but I've enjoyed every minute of being in TT. It may not seem like it at times but I mean it. Thanks for everyone who has made this year such a great one. Here is to the years to come! TT pride boys and Tiffany!
Venomous (our longstanding officer always the best caller kudos buddy)
After TKO Blitz closed, I didn't really see my self in another team. Then I tried out a few teams later down the road, and eventually tried out Team Trinity. This team actually had a community compared to other warring teams. This team has lots of potential and has lots of ways to improve like any other clan or team. I have no regrets in this team and have met lots of great people within this team. I may seem like the quiet guy around this team and a lot more vocal in my own clan, but don't be fooled. I put in my 200% in this team when it comes to warring just like any other member in this team. Team Trinity is the best team in todays clan world, and this year - you're going to see a new and improved Team Trinity. Watch us.
Where to begin... I joined Team Trinity several months ago I'll think back to my days in TT, and remember that I stuck around. So, Team Trinity, thank you for making me a better husband. Happy Birthday Pals =]
Pre EoC
I was TT for a week or two after being recruited by Gandalf, then removed my FA because I didn't want to be in alot of CWA teams (Pretty sure I was like in 3 or 4 which was alot for me but when you compare it to someone like Bennie who was in 10+ cwa teams its nothing lmao)
I was recruited to TT by the few RoT (Bennie, Badgers, Jared) that joined after Merlin died (for the 2nd time lmao). When I posted my application I wasn't sure I'd get in because I was CD in the past (if you didn't know we had a crashwar/beef), but Cody gave me a chance and here I am now lol. Fights with TT have been fun from the beginning (not too serious and can have fun during wars) which I enjoyed. I started backup calling once I got member rank and Cody asked me if I wanted Lt. and I said sure. Its been great so far and I hope to get more fights soon (clans/teams need to grow a pair of balls lmfao). Happy Birthday Trinity B)
When I heard CWA was coming back I thought I'd come back to clanning and try it out. Trinity seemed the logical place to try it out and seeing as I was never guested I became active again. It's fair to say I genuinely disliked it. However I stayed and continued attending the fights. Why? Easy - because of what Trinity is all about. Trinity isn't about winning, or about getting loads of action. It's more like a family. Once I started to get involved I really enjoyed my time here, and although the standards were different from my own CWA team in the past it was equally as fun. Although I'm not active enough to be involved now there is a big sense of belonging that a lot of teams and even clans that I've experienced simply couldn't provide. I'm glad I made the decision to return to Trinity, and that I got to know and meet some decent people, and long may it continue. Happy Birthday mates!
I was interested in joining Trinity all the way back last September. Doopy got me into the community and introduced me to Tiffany and a few others last fall. Prior to becoming a main, I was a close-to-max initiate pure who was actively pure clanning. Becoming a main, and to actually main clan, was a goal of mine for a while - I cannot remember when I wanted it. It took a few months of on and off training for me to have a semi-decent main account that would be suitable for main clanning. I started 2015 with wanting this year to be something new, so I thought I should join Trinity. To be honest, I knew absolutely no-one, but I decided to join as it was one of my personal goals. Weeks go by, I start interacting myself with the community and find myself being offered Admin by Cody after him finding out who I am on another site. Without joining Trinity and interacting with the community, I could not see myself going anywhere in the main clanning world. I have met several people who are also in RoT from this community and I cannot thank everyone enough for making Trinity a team. Here's to another year :)
I joined TT cause Tiffany told me to pretty much. Her and I became best friend. I eventually got full member and picked up calling when we were in the crash war with CD. Got LT and worked my way to council eventually. When we re-opened i took leader. Granted i wasn't a good leader, but i had fun while i did it. No matter what i've said previously TT has and always will be part of my history and part of a family im glad to of been apart of. Happy birthday guys <3
Tiffany (our heart)
Congratulations on your four years of staying alive, Team Trinity! May you continue to make an impact in the clan world, not through the warring aspects of runescape, but through your richness in impacting peoples lives by always treasuring friendship above everything else.
Thanks to the core TT members that continue to show TT's true uniqueness. Most importantly, thanks for the great memories! Glad I joined.