Is it possible to organize Red vs Blue war? I remember PURES did it once and it was really nice .
This event would start at at gmt friendly time . And my provisional team compositions are :
Ronin V.S DI
Dowfall V.S VR
Liths V.S EOS
FOOLS V.S Poison
Vitality V.S + TBA
+more clans/teams . Just wrote top 12 clans atm . I dont know which side KOD/MMA/TMC would fit better.
T1 would have GMT advantage and bigger pull while T2 will have EST advantage and are more experience on big number fights .
Would your clan participate this event ?
Is it possible to get 300+ people on same Teamspeak server ?
What is your thoughts on this event ?
This is for all haters on this topic :
This event would start at at gmt friendly time . And my provisional team compositions are :
Ronin V.S DI
Dowfall V.S VR
Liths V.S EOS
FOOLS V.S Poison
Vitality V.S + TBA
+more clans/teams . Just wrote top 12 clans atm . I dont know which side KOD/MMA/TMC would fit better.
T1 would have GMT advantage and bigger pull while T2 will have EST advantage and are more experience on big number fights .
Would your clan participate this event ?
Is it possible to get 300+ people on same Teamspeak server ?
What is your thoughts on this event ?
This is for all haters on this topic :