Disclaimer: This is a unbiased analysis of clans pulls based on recorded Sunday events. This is not a bias against any clan as every top 5 clan will be analyzed within the span of the next two weeks
AF Staff Incorporated Clan World Statistical Analysis
Sample 1: Reign of Terror
Welcome to the Clan World Statistical Analysis Series, beginning with a statistical analysis & breakdown of Reign of Terror Clan. This is series of unbiased statistical accounts on the progress and results of each of the major clans in the clan world.
Data has been gathered for the months of April & May recording Sunday Pulls along with member list size and/or loss in members for all major clans in OSRS.
A thorough data gathering and analysis has been completed for Reign Of Terror.
Part 1: Data Display
The following table displays the data gathered by our analysts for ROT’s Sunday Prep Pulls for the months of April & May. Rot's peak pull, to which all other pulls are compared to, was 90 people occurring on April 7th.
All data numbers are completely accurate and can be proven with evidence.
The following graph illustrates ROT’s memberlist shrinkage in the months of April & May. As noticed, ROT suffered the largest member loss on the week leading to April 19th.
Furthermore, the following graph displays the decrease in ROT’s pulls over the past two months. As seen with the negative trend line (y=-10.321x +112+82), there is a significant correlation between % of pull as compared to peak pull and increase in time. This verifies the hypothesis that ROT’s pulls have significantly decreased in the past two months.
Finally, data has been analyzed to determine the inactivity increase of Reign of Terror Clan. The following graph displays the percentage of ROT members attending their Sunday events for the months of April & May 2015. With the significant negative trend line, there is a clear correlation between ROT members inactivity increasing in the past two months. Furthermore, it is also related to the huge quantity of ROT who have left/been kicked in the past two months.
Part 2: Data Validity
Gathered Data was analyzed to prove validity of the work done by #AF-Staff Incorporated.
Data of Pulls in April & May broken down
Data analysis proof:
Hypothesis Testing:
Alternative Hypothesis: Reign of Terror’s pulls have significantly decreased over the course of the past two months. (p < 0.05)
Null hypothesis: Reign of Terror’s pulls have not been significantly affected over the past two months. (p > 0.05)
That is, if our p value is less than 0.05, we reject our null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that ROT is slumping.
If ROT’s pulls did not decrease by chance, then there must have been an external factor influencing their pulls resulting in the slump. However, if ROT’s pulls DID decrease by chance, then we accept our null hypothesis that they are not slumping.
Using the data AF-Staff has collected, we have attained a p-value of 0.016
As 0.016 < 0.05, we reject our null hypothesis and accept the fact that ROT is slumping to the 5% significance level.
The next report, featuring a clan soon to be revealed, will be posted next week.
Disclaimer: This data has been gathered through Statistical and Analytical analysis by AF-Staff Incorporated. If you believe any of this data is incorrect or fictional, please contact AF-Staff for revisions in the analysis.
© 2015 #AF-Staff Incorporated. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact #AF-Staff.