No i did not lose a +1 recently and this isn't a rage thread.
This topic is obviously related to the spear spec, I want to hear your serious opinions on it.
I decided to open this thread here as D spears are mainly used by the clan/team community and i didn't find any other threads on this. This was considered a bug and got fixed pre-eoc.
Here is my viewpoints on it:
Personally i think Overspearing is a pretty ridiculous mechanic,
You could argue it's tactical but really.. It's way to easy compared to macing people pre-eoc, And completely uncounterable.
You could argue it keeps people from bringing expensive/op +1s into multi, Like AGS,SOTD & And sigil shields.
And dragon spears potentially breaks castle wars too. Could just camp the flag and have a couple of spearers along whit a cw braced dds speccing through their mage def gear like butter unable to do anything.
The Best way to counter getting speared is to turn of your Protection prayers & xlog
That alone is kinda stupid
You could also argue it's a blessing to the clan community, But i don't see the fun in smiting someone that can't do anything at all back at you, Even if alot of clans are NH and doesn't give a crap.
Solutions and possible effects:
I think a change to make you able to counter for atleast a couple of ticks before another spearspec can land on you OR just make them not stack.
This Wouldn't make spears useless/dead content. And a well timed spear can still make you smite the target.
This change would probably make more multi pkers bring the items i mentioned before, And ofc most people value their +1 over their life and will keep their prayer points high above anything else.
This would also bring a more skillbased clanning experience whit more hard tanking.
It would possibly make smiting more rewarding, And more "Legit"
I've already tweeted mod ash about this, And he said they have already polled it.
But some people here are able to contact Jmods if this gets more attention it's a very possible repoll.
Imo spears are promoting unfun/broken gameplay.
Give me some actual points if you are against this.
Edit: expected Downvotes, Cause everyone knows it's broken. But posting this topic is here where people abuse this on the daily is deemed retarded by most, Ye im pretty new and grats on ely Rot..
Comparing it whit Ddos was too harsh, Removed.
This topic is obviously related to the spear spec, I want to hear your serious opinions on it.
I decided to open this thread here as D spears are mainly used by the clan/team community and i didn't find any other threads on this. This was considered a bug and got fixed pre-eoc.
Here is my viewpoints on it:
Personally i think Overspearing is a pretty ridiculous mechanic,
You could argue it's tactical but really.. It's way to easy compared to macing people pre-eoc, And completely uncounterable.
You could argue it keeps people from bringing expensive/op +1s into multi, Like AGS,SOTD & And sigil shields.
And dragon spears potentially breaks castle wars too. Could just camp the flag and have a couple of spearers along whit a cw braced dds speccing through their mage def gear like butter unable to do anything.
The Best way to counter getting speared is to turn of your Protection prayers & xlog
That alone is kinda stupid
You could also argue it's a blessing to the clan community, But i don't see the fun in smiting someone that can't do anything at all back at you, Even if alot of clans are NH and doesn't give a crap.
Solutions and possible effects:
I think a change to make you able to counter for atleast a couple of ticks before another spearspec can land on you OR just make them not stack.
This Wouldn't make spears useless/dead content. And a well timed spear can still make you smite the target.
This change would probably make more multi pkers bring the items i mentioned before, And ofc most people value their +1 over their life and will keep their prayer points high above anything else.
This would also bring a more skillbased clanning experience whit more hard tanking.
It would possibly make smiting more rewarding, And more "Legit"
I've already tweeted mod ash about this, And he said they have already polled it.
But some people here are able to contact Jmods if this gets more attention it's a very possible repoll.
Imo spears are promoting unfun/broken gameplay.
Give me some actual points if you are against this.
Edit: expected Downvotes, Cause everyone knows it's broken. But posting this topic is here where people abuse this on the daily is deemed retarded by most, Ye im pretty new and grats on ely Rot..
Comparing it whit Ddos was too harsh, Removed.