"About to hit the 5 year mark in this clan, and not a single regret in joining. Liked every hour, minute, second of it. Many more to come. :)" - Yorick
"DF has been a place everyone could call home for 10 years now, friends for life were made along the way and memories created which can never be tarnished. So here's to another 10 years." - Samor
"Who would have thought that DF will live to see Omni's grandchildren. But here we are, alive and kicking." - An Opinion
"Became my home on day one, and proud to still call it that 2340 days later." - Rinus
"Kings Never Die" - DM04
"Rød grød med fløde" - Fruity
Another spoiler for Moho's super long thingy
- Moho
"The last man standing on the battlefield is the person that bleeds purple." - Elicit
"I've been around livestock all my life...you're everything I've been looking for" ~ Farmers Only/Steve
"df til the casket and past it" - Hootis
"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need. Divine Forces pride" - Harmr
"Being in this clan for two years made me realize that no matter what gets in the way, we have always achieved every goal we made for the clan." - Zeldagamer13
"The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass leaving memories... that become legend." - Lucass (bad mic one)
"staking 20m" - Spekel
"One of the two clans that actually survived through everything runescape has put against the clan world. Also this is the clan where I saw a young omni go from a grocery store clerk to a grocery store clerk.
Its been a great almost 4 years." - Lovelost
"DF is one big family where every single individual is always ready to help or give advice. Best community I've ever experienced in the clan world." - Andresbond
"For many divine years! :lulz:" - VikingShip
"Let us celebrate this occasion with wine and sweet words and remember the time we all enjoy wasting is not wasted time, tough times never last but tough people do. Love ya clannies
http://rs-df.com/for...ult/biggrin.png [Image blocked; please upload it at an
approved host.] " - Sassy
"What started out with giving it a shot soon became 4 years of dedication." - Thomas
"Until the end" - Murray 1991
"You never know what you have untill Peter takes it" - Pato
"You can't say you've really played Runescape untill you joined a clan. You can't say you really loved Runescape unless you join Divine Forces" - Pato
"Nikachu" - Nikachu
"DF will have suffer through hard times, but in the end, Df always prevails on top." - Octet
"It's been a pleasure to meet such an interesting, diverse group of people. I wouldn't be playing this game if I wasn't in Divine Forces and there will never be another clan that compares." - Steve
"Despite the culture I grew up in, joining DF has taught me how to love many of the homosex kind" - Alex Rider07
"Swipe right" - Matrix
"Through it all and until the end.
PS. If you play Transformice and are reading this, pls join Divine Forces. We need more Transformice players!!!" - Rene
http://rs-df.com/for...default/wub.png [Image blocked; please upload it at an
approved host.]
"DF wins again" - Harmit
"I may not have been here from the start, but I'll be here until the end." - Rodm
"Clans come and go. Except DF, we'll be here until the end." - Sem
"To the casket and past it." - Good Binds
"Honestly, Df is just one of those clans that if you actually give it your all to get to know everyone you will be welcomed whole heartedly into more than just a warring community. It is a place where everyone comes together as a team, and not just on Sunday for a war. We joke, We laugh, and sometimes we cry together, but that is what family is. Would never want to call another place my home." - Scampr aka Scumpdumpster
"My online family, forever connected." - De Mechelaar
"I am the RNG starting support" - Stink
"I been here for 4 years+ *******" - Kenny
"I've been apart of DF for half of it's existence, and I can proudly say there is no greater clan that has ever graced this game." - IMK
"DF has been welcoming with open arms from the day I intro'd and I would suggest everybody else to give them a shot, It's well worth it." - Naween
"I came across DF a little under 5 years ago and have loved it ever since. Everything about DF is perfect and I look forward to spending the remainder of my clanning career with my DF family." - Chronicflame
"I've been apart of DF for half of it's existence, and I can proudly say there is no greater clan that has ever graced this game." - Imk
"DF has been welcoming with open arms from the day I intro'd and I would suggest everybody else to give them a shot, It's well worth it." - Naween
"After I left RSD a week before they closed I never thought I would play runescape again. 07 servers opened it and I gave it a shot. It's funny how DF was my last choice when I came back to Runescape. I was looking for friends, laughs, simply a community that I would have the reason to say " Hey, this community is worth staying and enjoying my time here as much as I can ". I looked in the wrong places hoping to find a community/clan similar or better to RSD, until after a long search I found DF. Fast forward to now; Divine Forces it's my #1 reason why I'm still here. " - Vladi
"Even after things with my first FA period didn't go the way I wanted it to due to IRL problems, I was welcomed back with loving arms. There's no other clan I would rather be a part of then the DF family." - Riley/Kwreak
"DF Pride" - Dfused
"Members may come and go - but just like stars, those who stick around are the ones to glow. DF until the end, baby." - Stevendoom