Hey RSC,
I'm a lurker, I have been lurking for years. And something that's been getting worse and worse are the RoT topics claiming they smashed the clanworld. On these topics every RoT comment is upvoted to heavens and everyone who claims RoT is just making RSC-fame topics gets downvoted to oblivion.
I'm just a bystander, clanless, and it annoys me that there's so many conflicting stories.
Why don't we get to see full, unedited video's of fights nowadays? Anyone can make a video of some nice spampiles and the minimap looking a bit more purple and then claim they dominated when the real story was entirely different.
I'm not saying RoT isn't dominating, I'm just saying it's impossible to really know how these fights are going since topics just seem like they were written by Goebbels in an attempt to sway public opinion.
I'm a lurker, I have been lurking for years. And something that's been getting worse and worse are the RoT topics claiming they smashed the clanworld. On these topics every RoT comment is upvoted to heavens and everyone who claims RoT is just making RSC-fame topics gets downvoted to oblivion.
I'm just a bystander, clanless, and it annoys me that there's so many conflicting stories.
Why don't we get to see full, unedited video's of fights nowadays? Anyone can make a video of some nice spampiles and the minimap looking a bit more purple and then claim they dominated when the real story was entirely different.
I'm not saying RoT isn't dominating, I'm just saying it's impossible to really know how these fights are going since topics just seem like they were written by Goebbels in an attempt to sway public opinion.