Rot seem to spend a lot of time with their properganda on the runescape community forums but can they back it up in-game??
On Saturday vr pked in f2p and offered rot out who refused to come.
Yesterday on Sunday di and df had a battle, vr was alone with 90 people ready to destroy rot but they chose instead to login a few times in addy and run around the wildnerss killing a total of 3 people in a hour.
So my question is, when will Roy man up and attempt to fight the mighty vr?
On Saturday vr pked in f2p and offered rot out who refused to come.
Yesterday on Sunday di and df had a battle, vr was alone with 90 people ready to destroy rot but they chose instead to login a few times in addy and run around the wildnerss killing a total of 3 people in a hour.
So my question is, when will Roy man up and attempt to fight the mighty vr?