Channel: Runescape Clans
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In the days following the wilderness rejuvenation update of March 13, 2014, player-killing was at an all time high, as both skillers and player-killers alike were eager to explore the game's new releases. Everyone seemed to be scouring the wilderness in pursuit of loot, and a sort of food chain was quickly established. P2P powerhouses Damage Incorporated (led by Ghjjf) and Reign of Terror (influenced by Ghjjf) dominated, feasting upon the random teams (e.g. Ancient Fury) who feasted upon PVMers (07 Reddit, Divine Forces, etc), who feasted upon the newly released NPCs (Callisto, Lava Dragons, etc). The update rejuvenated P2P wilderness activity and created new pk hotspots, many of which are still popular to this day!

Reflecting upon said update got me thinking: is it possible to rejuvenate the F2P wilderness?

For those who might not be aware: once upon a time, F2P pking actually existed. Many clans, teams-- and even straight up randy scrandies-- would scour the wilderness for loot and viciously engage each other in hand-to-hand combat. There were many small scraps to be had, and they often turned into larger scale fights as well. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Outside of Edgeville, the only action to be had in F2P is the direct result of the clan world's planned events.

So, clan world:

What would it take to rejuvenate the F2P wilderness so that F2P pking would be viable for a variety of player-killing entities?

Would you support a boss monster that is unique to F2P, or has it existed since August 7, 2006 in the form of Violent Resolution?

How do you think a rejuvenated F2P wilderness would affect the clan world in terms of existing rivalries? In terms of recruiting?

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