Please note: I use clan alot meaning both clan and team!
0) The decision of the "clan Wars League" and all its staff is final. We expect a fun, fair and competitive league with no foul play. Staff, Clan officials, Members and supporters. Shall all be treated the same and there will be 0% bias, all decisions are best in the best interests of the league at heart. Sanctions and penalties may be handed out to clans that break rules.
1) All declarations must be posted here, along with an acceptance/withdraw. Failure to do so, could end in a result not counting.
2) You may challenge up to 3 ranks above. Hopefully this will create alot of fight opportunities aswell as movement, as we dont want people sitting on ranks not fighting.
3) Fights are default as 1 round/fight, unless both clans decide they wish to do a best of 3
4) Please give 30 mins between fights, more if its a best of 3.
5) If the 2 clans/teams have shared members, it is down to the member who they fight for. If they truly can not or do not wish to, they may sit out.
6) Not on the fight world 15 mins after the given start time. If this is the clan that,s not there forfits the match. The only time this wont happen is if they are already in another league match.
7) CC leaving. CC leaving whilst piled or about to be piled in a fight is not aloud. We accept that this could happen "by accident" at some point point, so we allow it could happen once in a fight. However twice will result in Forfeiting the fight to the other clan. Note: Leaving CC on the very last pile of a first to, results in an automatic DQ. This must be captured on video, or witnessed by a Half op+ in #CWleague to receive a forfeit. We suggest you have at least 1 of your members video the fight, even if at low quality.
=============Clan information and Certified Officials======================
(only these can declare on clans, or accept declarations)
- Clan name:
Certified officials:
- Clan name:
Certified officials:
(If you wish to change or update and details, please contact "xxx" staff, each clan/team may have up to 4)
Any queries or questions #CWLeague
A declaration of war can be to any clan 2/3 ranks above. They can be made whenever as long as you dont really have one out for that league. The Declaration process must be completed by both clans within 48 hours of the last "formal interaction" between the clan, else it expires and becomes void. If accepted and the challenger wins, they will move infront of the defenders on the leader board.
1 of 4 things can happen when a Declaration is made. Either:
A] The defending clan declines
B] The defending clan doesnt reply
C] The defending clan accepts, the challenging clan accepts
D] The defending clan accepts, the challenging clan then withdraws
-----An explanation of the situations that can occur:---------
A] The defending clan, may decline a fight up to 3 times from the same clan. If they decline a 3rd time the challenger takes their rank. Declines are reset if the challenger moves above the defending clan in the league. As soon as they decline you can resend another declaration to them.
B] If the defending clan doesnt reply after 48 hours it counts as a decline. Clans which repeatedly dont reply may be punished.
C] Both clans accept the fight. The defending clan picks a day and time, after discussing it with the other clan. You must do this! You can not post a day and time, before talking to the other clan's certified officials. If you fail to do this, you may be made to select a new time. If there is any major issues whilst setting up a fight, certain people have been selected to help medicate such matters. Half op+ in #CWleague are people who can help.
D] IF you are unable to find a way, to argee a time and day. With the other clan
posting a day, which you do not wish to, or are unable to fight on. You may withdraw from your fight. You will not be able to challenge the same clan again for a whole week. However you may challenge others
The clan defending their rank has the final say on the day and time of the fight. That's ones of the perks of holding the rank above. Depending on what type of clan your fighting, EST/GMT, there will be certain hours you can choose. This is here you stop GMT members having to war really late on school/work nights. Any day can be chosen by the clans, however if a sunday or friday is gonna be the fight day, both clans must argee on it.
-----------Declaration Template---------
Clan you represent:
Clan you wish to declare on:
You understand you cannot have any other declarations out in this league, and that you are certified by the CWL to declare on other clans:
---------Acceptance/Withdrawal Template--------------
Fighting for which rank?
Date, if declining a declaration put N/A:
1 Fight or Best of 3?
Clan you represent:
Do you wish to accept or reject this fight?
Clans may only declare on one other clan at a time, however they can be involved in one or more fixtures at once.
If a clan as a fight wins and moved up a rank, and already has once fixture in place from a clan below. IF they lose this fixture to the challenger. The challenger shall only move into their previous spot and not their newly acquired one.
Note: To fight on a Sunday or Friday it has got be agreed by both clans.
=======================Different Leagues==========================
There are a number of different types of league we could try out. All with different rules and win situations.
Below are merely some ideas of league we could have. All of these will be a deafut 1 round, unless clans choose otherwise. You can plan mutiple events on a night, please give 30 mins between the fight starts tho.
Full out - First to 25
Maybe over a certain number amount, becomes a first to 50
Matched - First to 25
Numbers must never exceed the starting amount by more than 1/2, DQ maybe if it happens for more than "x" seconds?
Below 20 v 20 numbers, 10 min run in, can 25 kills but 10 min is deafut
Matched - Knock out till "x"
- Works as a % of starting
20%? at higher numbers
25% at lower
Stops long dragged out fights
Round up the cut number to the nearest whole number.