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Forsaken's birthday
Today is a special day for our lovely clan as we are celebrating our first (or third if you count the first 2 years of Forsaken in 2010-2012) birthday! With none of us knowing what to expect with our reopening last year, we were eager to make the best out of it. It was a hard start with many old members coming back to the game as a level 3. We lost some people halfway during their training, but a lot of members continued to push theirself to max out just for Forsaken. A big shoutout to all of our members who came back! This shows how much they care about this clan and our community, which is something our whole clan appreciates

It wasn't easy for us to start. We basically lost to every clan and we had low numbers/levels, but as we kept on pushing ourselfs we managed to improve bit by bit.
We are nowhere near the quality we want to be, but I think it's safe to say that we developed ourselfs pretty well the past year.
I never imagined us pulling 60+ members (a few months ago) after we came back last year. So far our journey has been amazing. Forsaken still has a long way to go and we will continue to work on our goals. We will never compete with the EST timezone, that's just not possible for us as a GMT clan, but we do hope to challenge all clans in our own timezone as we progress. Lets hope next year will allow us to do that.