On the 12th June 2016 Ancient Fury & Brutality had a very (and let's be honest about it) clean fight for a good 30-35 minutes or so before Reign of Terror came in to finally attempt to crash the fight. However, tactics by Ancient Fury Leadership had led them to nullifying RoT's crashing attempt as seen in the video below with only a grand total of only 2 AF + 1 Brut and even 2 RoT dying as well:
Even on the 16th June 2016 AF had yet another CLEAN fight which remained uncrashed for a good 30 minutes with the same effect happening from the previous fight.
So here's something to dicuss:
Will The Alliance (RoT+DI+SV+CT+JAJA+AC+420) keep allowing Ancient Fury to have CLEAN fights in Runescape?
Discuss below.
NB: Please keep all your comments mature and suitable at our wonderful community here at Zybez.
Even on the 16th June 2016 AF had yet another CLEAN fight which remained uncrashed for a good 30 minutes with the same effect happening from the previous fight.
So here's something to dicuss:
Will The Alliance (RoT+DI+SV+CT+JAJA+AC+420) keep allowing Ancient Fury to have CLEAN fights in Runescape?
Discuss below.
NB: Please keep all your comments mature and suitable at our wonderful community here at Zybez.