Channel: Runescape Clans
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#Cwleague - P2P rankings and dealing with "foul play"

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Finally, the long overdue #CWleague P2P Rankings, are to be released. Since the formation of the F2P rankings over a month ago, there has been a high demand for a similar styled P2P ranking.

Going live at 7 GMT, Wednesday 13th

Clans have been provisionally seeded, and ranked. We are still expecting some late comers to join this week or next. Please take these starting positions with a slight pinch of salt also. They are not 100% accurate, or ment to be. All clans on their first declare will be able to challenge up to 5 above, after that it will be only up to 3. This is to try a help clans move into a position they see more suited to them.
Once again a huge thank you goes out to everyone who has joined this for the launch day. We cannot put into words how grateful we are, that your willing to attempt to build this project. Hopefully we can create something meaningful which will last for some time. The line-up for this looks truly great, with a real mixed bag of numbers, quality and experience. We hope everyone enjoys their time whilst a part of the rankings, and we shall support clans in any way which we can.

We intend to start with 3 rankings, however once they are established. We will check the need and demand for any more, we will also assess those 3 rankings to see if they need any tweaks. The leagues we shall start with will be:
  • Matched first to 25 55 def,
  • Matched KO 55 def
  • Matched KO uncapped gear.
Each of these shall have its own unique rule set.

All the new P2P information as been merged into the current "Clan Wars league Topic" here: http://forums.zybez....-official-topic/. Including rankings and rules. All matters reguarding F2P and P2P can be dealt with from there.

Other news

We have also cleared up some of our current rulings, involving some forms of foul play which can occur.

Firstly, for us to be able to do anything, should any rule breaking or foul play happen we are going to need evidence. We highly recommend that you vid for all fights, so that you have for your own protection and evidence, should you need it.

We intend to create an unbiased and impartial panel. Who should there be to help settle a disrupt or controversial fight. These will be called upon to judge the evidence. They shall then provide a verdict, which shall be the decision on the league.

When dealing with such matters. The first thing we ask, is that you ask yourself truly, did the rule breaking truly effect the outcome of the fight? Aswell as how serve and many rules were broken. IF you have a case, we will view the evidence from your fight, more than willingly. Please, if you wish to make an appeal, get one of your certified officials to launch it. This helps keep the real need for these appeals, and the time wasting separate.

CC leaving

We believe there is 2 very different types of CC leave which can happen. There is one, were a person leaves, as they believe they are about to be piled/a clear transition. The other is a tanking away, and leaving the CC. In order to waste time and not give the other clan a kill.

In the case of "leaving before piled". The first accidental/pre leave isn't punished (such as leaving as when you come into the portal, or maybe even if you sticking out at the back and haven't been hit). We accept this can sometimes be an honest mistake and that it could be harsh to penalise people for this. However, the 2nd is punished, and will be punished in some way (normally a kill deduction). This is a case by case situation tho, and the panel may rule that it was again accidental. Repetitively doing in this in a fight will lead to more serve punishments. Really once you are hit, you should not be ever leaving the CC. Even if it’s just a pre bind, as your actively in the fight from that point imo.

As for getting piled, tanking then leaving. We wish to really try and stamp this out, taking a hardline stance. Making it so if someone does this their clan/team is punished heavily, as really its the most NH tatic going in CWA. Once someone has been piled. and begun to tank. We see no reason for them to be leaving the CC. Should this happen it is highly likey that 3-4 kills if not more could be deducted from your final total. In which case if it ended 25-22 or 25-21, the clan who didn't leave would win (if the scores are tied we shall hand it to the clan which didn't rule break). If this happens twice in a fight, it is more than likey you will be DQ'd from the fight and the win handed. This kinda of leaving of the CC is a premeditated attempt to cheat. No one should be doing it!

Disconnections and DDosing

The first point to make clear is during the cutting stage. For as long as a clan hasn’t engaged each other. Should someone DC, the other clan must cut down to that number. Any DC which happen after both clans have clashed are unfortunate, however nothing can be done about it.

Some people have been concerned about ddosing, and the way in which we will deal with it, should it happen. Im very happy to say so far there has never been an issue. However we have a way to deal with it needs be

In regards to DDosing, this is a very hard matter to deal with should it occur. Firstly, we would like to make clear the different between a regular disconnection, and a DDos attack. DDos attacks are targeted attacks, using a person’s or teamspeak IP. Whereby multiple packets are sent to their IP address causing their internet to almost instantly disconnect, these are illegal by law and completely unacceptable. Whereas a regular disconnection is when your internet fails for a number of reasons, and you lose your connect to RS. (to help prevent this happening we suggest if you are lagging to not enter the portal).

Should there be evidence of a clear ddos attack on one of the clans involved and both clans accept that, straight after the fight has ended. The best thing to do is to automatically try and refight the round, if possible.

If after a fight has finished, and you believe you were ddos’d. You may submit an appeal to the panel, along with video evidence. Who will then view each fight, case by case. We will have a criteria and procedure for dealing with such matters. We won’t go into great detail of everything we will be doing (due to not wanting to give any potential loop holes). However, we have a fairly good plan of how to fairly assess things, and prevent blatant attacks.  Of course factors such as the score at the time, how the attack happened, the way in which it went down all come into play. Also a dc or 2 is not gunan be seen as a ddos attack. TBH the fact that clans can easily refight, and in the case of a ddos its gunan probs not really effect either of the clans in the long run, might also deter people.

If a clan is caught to be involved in such matters they shall receive a minimum of a 3 month ban from all rankings, if not much longer. Might i add that just because a fight gets ddos'd, does not mean that the clan who didnt get ddos'd with receive a ban. Bans shall only be handed out should there be clear evidence of a clan being involved in such matters (even if they wernt actully in the fight).  Should someone try and fake one, there will also be some kinda of sanction.

We are fairly confident that this will never become a large issue, and nor has it been so far. However this might ease afew worried minds/spark some interesting debate.

PS: Im sorry if this is littered with, spelling mistakes/poor grammar. Its late, ive been messing about with code for too long now, and typing up shiz. Ill will make the main topic alot prettier to view topic, as the coding when really wrong and alot of graphics need to be redone/made

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