Hey guys whats up. So pretty much i'm going to jump right to it. I had the liberty of about a few weeks ago come into a clan that's looking to rebuild themselves. So I want to warn you off the bat, no this clan is not the size of ROT or FOE . No, this clan does not play 110 hours a week looking to make top scores (but damn it would be nice wouldn't it) This clan is a group of friends. Some know eachother IRL but that doesn't matter because upon meeting them I feel like I know them. Were all adults, 18+, working for the most part full time . I cannot promise you that everytime you long on currently, someone will be in the chat. Although, that's why i'm making this Forum topic. It has been entrusted to me, that I give our clan a shoutout every where on the internet I post, to give people a chance to give US a chance. Every big community needs to start somewhere, so here are some things we would like to grow towards.
Raids are coming out soon. We would like to build a PvM community towards that plus other activities, bossing, group slaying and skilling ect ect. We would like to build a community where, no longer do you have to sit in a silent mindless numb grind , making sure you have a community to play this game with! We would eventually develop means to give you news of our doings in the clan such as a website (currently ironing out details) Making sure eventually , when you do log in, there IS someone in the CC or online that you know.
If you want, obviously you're more than welcome to go join any clan you'd like; but if you want to be apart of something that's crowing, and seeing where we can take this thing please reply, and I will give you information on joining.