The goal for every clan is to improve over time rather than stagnant or possibly degenerate, however, in reality they're very few clans that have improved in a meaningful way in recent memory. Have most clans become apathetic, and no longer have the drive to improve, or is it the fact everyone has accepted ROT is essentially "unbeatable" and accepted their position in the clan world. Is this a troubling sign for the clan world moving forward, or is it simply only time until a clan gathers enough momentum to challenge/overthrow ROT.
The only two clans I can say that have substantially improved throughout 2016 has been Sovereign and FOOL's. Both clans have stepped up tremendously in P2P and now comfortably sit in the top 3 alongside ROT. Is this a testament to their hard work, or is it that nobody else bothered to improve their situation. I personally believe Sovereign/Fool's improvement is a direct result of their activity which spurred and increase in quality, whereas other less active clans have stagnated if not degenerated over the year.