Channel: Runescape Clans
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Brexit, Trump, and the Clan World


Put the kettle on and start afk splashing, because here comes another nauseatingly-overthought RSC topic by Vio.


So America's got a conservative businessman as president and Britain is about to leave the politico-economic union.

Both events have seemingly divided western society into two halves.

One side we refer to as progressives, social justice, multicultralists, and globalists.

The other the conservatives, cultural libertarians, nationalists, and the alt-right.


Now if you're only familiar with one side of the debate, there's a good reason for that.

In recent times I've discovered that most of my word-of-mouth sources (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) are highly biased towards side one.

These are not bipartisan products, and there are many cases of where they have pandered to a particular ideology.

Unless you match the time you spend on the above with equal time spent on Breitbart, 4chan and /r/altright, you're at a disadvantage.


I implore you to do your own research, but here's a basic tl;dr of the past few years of politics and society:

- The left won the cultural war

- The left refuse to engage the alternative viewpoint

- The right fought back with their votes

- The left are struggling to cope with defeat


fgvfgvfgvfgvfgvtttttttttt cvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcv

^ here my cat decided to walk across my keyboard


Consider that second point, for which I seem to find more and more evidence of these days.

If any of you are ex-liberals like myself, you might also have noticed this trend on social media:

The "progressive" left constantly dismissing opposing arguments as "racist", "sexist", "x-phobic", "hate speech", "offensive" etc etc.

They frequently seem to disregard entirely the facts, and their counterarguments, if any, are usually weak or unfounded.


But I suppose I should avoid going on a political rant and actually tie this in with the clan world.

Now I don't know where RSC stands or what the consensus here is (hence the poll), so I can't yet draw a parallel between RSC and the clan world as I want to.

I do have a theory though - I think we're mostly right wing.


The left may have won the cultural war, but in Runescape they don't have much authority.

If you get "offended" by something said IRL, you actually have some social ground to stand on (believe it or not).

But here, if VR starts flaming you and your only response is to complain about being offended, it's pretty much meaningless.

Liberal culture seemingly has no place in the Runescape clan world.


I was talking to Lordship recently regarding the toxicity of flaming and such within the clan world, and found myself defending it.

I suggested that what we consider flaming (and what society considers "cyberbullying") is in essence, criticism.

Sometimes it's strong, but isn't that what the internet is for?

If we try and counter it, as we have considered since around 2007, do we inevitably move toward censorship, and the retraction of free speech and expression?


To sum up, I suppose my questions are such:

- Where does RSC stand on the political compass?

- Is the modern clan world a reflection of the ideal (or perhaps the extreme) right-wing vision of society?

- If so, is such a vision inevitable once we are post-Trump and post-Brexit?

- And more importantly, are we OK with that?

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