I think we can all say that the top 3 p2p clans for awhile were rot, af, di in that order. Since late 2015, especially after losing jcup, af has fallen off in activity, motivation, pulls, and member quality. Their leaders have long given up and they even told their members to get rid of their jcup gear. DI has also become relatively inactive although they fought rev a week or two ago for a few hours. The gap between rot and everyone else is massive atm and no one even thinks about fighting them uncapped. The current state of p2p is mostly small man pk trips and a few times a week there are mid size fights. Jagex also plans on releasing something similar to rev caves and that could cater to small man pks even more. When rot and af were fighting regularly other smaller clans also got action. Clans like di, vr, df, brut, and jaja would be on the outskirts sniping and sometimes fighting each other.
Do you enjoy the current state of p2p or would you like to see high opts uncapped fights make a return?
Would you like to see rev caves or something similar be added? Above or below 30 wilderness?
Do you think af will ever make a return and try to compete with rot or due to di being truced with rot and vr/df being relatively dead is af gone for good?
Will brut rise up and become the new #2 pulling 100+ and competing with rot?