Over the years it has become apparent that whatever clan is on top usually has the strongest most egregious forms of propaganda. Whether it be through promoting an image that is embellished to create an aura of superiority that the rest of clan world gobbles up. This only further perpetuates their hold over the clan world as opposing clans start to believe the "hype" and subconsciously lose hope. Recent events have shown a certain clans predilection to abuse propaganda when facing off against a new enemy. Certain clans rely on this form of propaganda to swing the community support in their favor and attempt to demoralize the enemy into believing they got themselves into an unwinnable situation
My question to you honorable Zybezians is why do we knowingly fall victim to the obvious propaganda and praise obviously misleading facts, threads, topics and how much of crash wars/rivalries are won outside of Runescape. Given the recent drama in US politics I thought this was an interesting topic to address.