You legit goombas do 95% CWA [minus like 1-2 clans] and have like 2 PVP F2P events a month that lasts for an hour each time if that. Why would you not enter somewhere where you can get a full out or even a 50 v 50 going. With someone you might not usually fight, or you do fight relitively consistantly but this time is sorta kinda means a bit more then just an RSC topic. @DI @DF @RoT @Fools
Why TF aren't u entering the 30 v 30 or 20 v 20 to atleast get ur members to do something besides 10 man p2p trips where u get hit by AC @VR
Where are you even @Liths @collison @Brut @CT [Who i believe is entering]
Why would you restrict how many teams some idiot can be on when it can benifit your compeition @CJstaff realize this entire compeition is like the poor mans Jcup, which is MIA af, you should be happy anyone wants to even enter.
Why don't you guys enter as one clan @VNG @Poison that way you can atleast get more events or practice or work on clan relations or something instead of sitting there twiddling your thumbs.
Stop complaining clan world is dying when you guys avoid actually fighting the clans that are left.