It's already apparent the clan world is hanging on a yo-yo string and there's a 3-year-old with safety scissors about to cut it. This isn't a topic for why the clan world is dying, it's a topic about what every single one of us can do for this clan world to prosper.
I hear people every day saying 'the clan world is dead' without hesitation, but for what? Has Runescape lost its spark? Have we all found better things? My answer is NO. Runescape is full of surprises, mostly from Jagex's less-than-helpful graphic update :\ (Soz Jagex) But seriously, it's still the game. Have the bonuses changed, has the way we play the game? The answer is still, and always will be, no.
These new clans rising up from the filth and self-destruction from our own (little) world are our only hope. Just like the American economy is failing because of unemployment and a massive debt that grows by billions as we speak, more and more clans and teams are dying by the handfulls. But what do the Americans do? They create more jobs. What will we do? We'll create more wildy clans, that's where I'm getting at.
You've already notice a few new clans, such as Holy Knights (>:D), Dark Redemption, and Enigma rise in the clanning society, because they're trying to keep alive what we've played for years and enjoyed for years. Runescape hasn't gotten old for us, we came back because the clanning world is what we LOVE and hold dear to us. I'm not being all nerdy about this, I just wanna play the game I love, and if love is saving this clanning world, I'll do anything to bring it back :c
No amount of updates, new features, new areas can bring back the wild, only new life.
Hopefully this wonderful Runescape community will give positive feedback and pursue what I ponder about every time I play...
The only reason I wrote this is because of the closing of several teams and clans, and the future closing of one.
Evf, on 14 March 2012 - 04:05 AM, said:
Always doubting. No wonder the clan world is dying, you don't support what could be.
I'll give an example:
There's an rsb clan called allstar team, which isn't TOO bad. There's over 150 of them and they're ALL 120+ with 85+ ranged and magic.
There's an rsb clan called solar. There's over 100 of them and ~25% are 120+
There's an rsb clan called nite crew. They dont pull much (~15), but can be taught.
When you add this up, there are close to 200 POSSIBLE new clanners with great levels. And then you say we can't do a damned thing about the clanning world. Those 200 people can form 4 huge wildy clans of 50, enough to compete with the world today.
You're too busy slapping down the obvious and then don't bother to research or be in touch with the rsb world, which we can build off of. I came from 4 rsb clans, and now im far into official clanning. What pattern do you notice here?
LOOK WHAT WE CAN DO WITH THIS. WE ALL CAME FROM 141, AND NOW IT'S W50. You slap down topics like these and don't even bother to look.