So the cat's out of the bag. Zybez will be closing its doors on September 17, 2018. We've been the central hub of the clanning community for a decade and a half. But the clan community existed before us, and it'll exist after us. And let's be real here: it's no secret that clans have been moving away from us anyways. Clans have long resisted the Zybez Establishment and protesting Zybez by refusing to post a fight topic is a time honored tradition. Regardless of how a clan felt about Zybez, they would still visit the boards to talk trash about other clans, and Zybez has always been the biggest place to post clan propaganda. Seems like you guys just couldn't quit us. Was it real hate? Or did you just love to hate us? Was Zybez beneficial to the clan world or detrimental to it? What'd we do wrong? What'd we do right?
Also, just fyi, whining about Zybez at this time isn't going to be tolerated anywhere outside of CD, so this thread's gonna be the one place you can *****. So let's all have one last call of biased mods for the road.