Channel: Runescape Clans
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Clan Of The Month/Wilderness(Activity) Clan Of The Month


Our Objectives



  • Promote Wilderness activities
  • Promote healthier Wilderness such as; incentivizing A/Cing and dis-incentivizing Crashing or Long Rag Wars
  • Create a firm standard for what constitutes a wilderness win
  • Encourage healthy competition by allowing clans to mark fights as "friendly" so weaker clans may obtain practice without the associated stigma of a "loss"


Clan Wars

  • Promote CWA events, especially F2P
  • Publicize the skills required to compete at highest level of CWA play
  • Create a firm standard for interoperable CWA match fights between Meds, Zerks, Tanks & mains
  • Encourage healthy competition by allowing clans to mark fights as "friendly" so weaker clans may obtain practice without the associated stigma of a "loss"




After consulting with members of the main community, there is an overall decline in activity in both scenes, especially in CWA with closure of CWA teams/clans. Massed fights between clans seem to have dwindled and wilderness activity appears to be limited to daily rev trips and the occasional rag war between clans that does not contribute the growth of the scene.


What is COTM?




COTM is a recurring tournament system that runs monthly(or every 2 months) where clans post their clan wars aftermath topic on Sharkbrew for points. Towards the end of the tournament period, clans with the top 2 points will slug it out in a finale fight where the winner will be declared. Winners will receive a signature and a sum of RSGP(around 20-50m) for their efforts.


What is WCOTM?




COTM is a recurring tournament system that runs monthly(or every 2 months) where clans may submit their wilderness aftermath topic on Sharkbrew for points.Towards the end of the tournament period, clans with the most points will receive a signature and a sum of RSGP(around 20-50m) for their efforts.


Who Can Participate and how?


All clans & teams. As long as you have an Ambassador representative on site, we will count all your aftermath topics


Why should my clan participate?


Over the past few years, the overall clanning scene has diminished significantly. Runescape player count as increased, yet official clanning pulls have stagnated. Sharkbrew hopes that these 2 tournament systems will help coalesce clans onto one platform and bring back the same levels of activity from 2013.


These tournament systems has proven effective at giving your clan and member's hype, and has increased activities in the associated areas. It is a absolute metric which you could benchmark your clan/team's performance and a goal you can work towards.


I don't agree with the rules, how do I suggest amendments?


Currently the rules are not set in stone, and the tournaments has not started yet. We welcome any form of suggestion by either replying to the topic or posting a topic in our feedback forums. The rules for these tournaments came from the community and we will strictly adhere to that methodology.



When does it start?


1st October, but we would like for the entire main/med/zerk/tank community to give us feedback on the system before lauch


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