This is the hardest thing I've had to do since I joined this clan almost 3 years ago - damn it sounds like a long time! I joined Higher Force not knowing anybody except Mike (Spr1ng Rolls) and I definitely had no idea what was to come. After the first month of being in Higher Force, I knew that Higher Force would be a home to me for a while. Higher Force was a real separation from reality back then for myself - I was 16 when I joined lol.
The main reason for this was because the people I met I guess, most say it's just a game which is right. The people you meet here are real though. I've met a lot of people here, some are still here but sadly most have parted. I know pretty much all old school members think the same.
We all know the situation of Runescape right now, it's pretty bad. To think a game I used to enjoy to such an extent has been pretty much "broken", breaks my heart.
Higher Force's future as been talked about for around 6 months between ranks, and recently between higher ranks and elders. I've always said to myself; Higher Force will go on as long as the game allows it too. That day as now been met and that being said, this means Higher Force is officially closing. Higher Force has effected way to many lives to be forgotten, the forums will remain open and the IRC channel will remain active.
Will Higher Force re-open in the future? Well isn't that the question, we've discussed how Higher Force can re-open, which will only happen if a ranked member of current was to do it, with permission of current and past higher ranks. We don't want any member or ex-member to open Higher Force, thinking it would be a good idea.
Nobody can say they achieved what Higher Force did as a rune pure/tank clan, and on that note I thank every single one of you who joined Higher Force, served Higher Force and who whom fought Higher Force. 7 Years strong; being the best rune pure/tank clan, defeating all rival clans and having a blast doing so.
~ Rest In Peace ~
~ Quoted from current Higher Force leader Alex