A topic for Gkitti ![:wub:]()
This isn't a topic about glorifying the past, but we do need to start with a bit of reminiscing.
> The year is 2002...
Your clanmates mass mostly in Rune to enter the Wilderness
There are no spams, no piles... it is every man for himself.
Coordination is minimal without voice communications software.
You can only click attack and hope for the best.
> The year is 2007...
The front lines of your clan shine in full Rune with their swordfish and lobsters.
The absolute professionals hide their wizard/monk robes and dragonhide for hybridding.
Prayer switching and mage pray hero'ing? Unheard of.
The spam towers to find the pile are high, the fall-ins after every kill are simple.
> The year is 2012...
You and your clanmates get into your TeamSpeak channels for style checks.
Everyone must hybrid, some will tribrid, some will snipe...
You have your F-keys, your pizzas and hampers, your many armour options all at the ready.
Your designated fall-in leaders coordinate piles and transitions over Teamspeak with speed and intensity.
> The year is 2017...
What will our traditional clan war be like?
Evolution, my dear friends.
As RuneScape ages, what was once considered elite becomes common practice.
It really is quite amazing how far the skills and responsibilities of a single clan member have evolved over the years.
Put all the negativity aside, and imagine our clan world lives on to see the next five years.
What is your average battle going to be like?
Will we all be required to tribrid/quadbrid?
Will every member, Leader or FA, be required to step up and call if necessary?
Will our banks be filled with as many sets of corrupt dragon and gravite rapiers as we can get?
What does the future have to hold for our skills in PvP clan wars?
Share your thoughts!

This isn't a topic about glorifying the past, but we do need to start with a bit of reminiscing.
> The year is 2002...
Your clanmates mass mostly in Rune to enter the Wilderness
There are no spams, no piles... it is every man for himself.
Coordination is minimal without voice communications software.
You can only click attack and hope for the best.
> The year is 2007...
The front lines of your clan shine in full Rune with their swordfish and lobsters.
The absolute professionals hide their wizard/monk robes and dragonhide for hybridding.
Prayer switching and mage pray hero'ing? Unheard of.
The spam towers to find the pile are high, the fall-ins after every kill are simple.
> The year is 2012...
You and your clanmates get into your TeamSpeak channels for style checks.
Everyone must hybrid, some will tribrid, some will snipe...
You have your F-keys, your pizzas and hampers, your many armour options all at the ready.
Your designated fall-in leaders coordinate piles and transitions over Teamspeak with speed and intensity.
> The year is 2017...
What will our traditional clan war be like?
Evolution, my dear friends.
As RuneScape ages, what was once considered elite becomes common practice.
It really is quite amazing how far the skills and responsibilities of a single clan member have evolved over the years.
Put all the negativity aside, and imagine our clan world lives on to see the next five years.
What is your average battle going to be like?
Will we all be required to tribrid/quadbrid?
Will every member, Leader or FA, be required to step up and call if necessary?
Will our banks be filled with as many sets of corrupt dragon and gravite rapiers as we can get?
What does the future have to hold for our skills in PvP clan wars?
Share your thoughts!