[big]A Response To Operation Romeo[/big]
CD has begun operation Romeo which has the uneducated quivering in their boots. The goal of this operation is, essentially, to kill TK. But if you ask me, it sounds like a suicide mission.
Let's start with the operations name. Romeo.
For those that do not know, Romeo is a character in a play written by a man very respected in western literature named William Shakespeare. It's boring and you don't need to read it. Long story short, at the end Romeo commits suicide. Sounds like a great plan! Lol..
Let's now look at the operations effect on TK
None. Every time they crash our wars, we send them scurrying back to single like the noobs they are. I've tried to set up plenty of 1 v 1s with them which they have all declined. It is obvious why. In a 1v1 TK would crush them.
Recently they decided to come on our TS and threaten us. All this shows is that their own TS and community is so boring that they have nothing better to do than be a nuisance to us.
Recently they decided to leak some of our forum posts. If you actually read what they posted it makes us look good. They decided not to show any of our fight topics or how the last 9 wars we've had we won, or how for the past month we've been consistently pulling 55 people to our wars; 65 once, and 75+ another time. They didn't mention how when we fought WL we had a 1.5 KD, or how when we joined the cluster fight we had a 3.0 KD, or how when we fought VR we had a positive KD. They forgot to mention a lot actually.
What CD will try to do?
CD will try to make you visit their forums so you can see the leaks that they have. Never go to their forums. Never click any links. Only go on our TS and only visit our forums.
I want you all to note that we are a clan that allows almost anyone to join, we mass recruit, and we have built an amazing army and an even more amazing community. They think that them leaking our forums has any effect on us, it doesn't. It is their attempt to weaken us after they realized that in the wildy we tend to smash them and send them to single.
They will threaten your security. Make you feel that TK is unsafe. Let me tell you all something. Like Romeo, these CD people are all peasants, we are Kings. They are peasants in RS and they are peasants in IRL. They will never amount to anything anywhere. They have nothing better to do than try to ruin your fun, a job which they are failing miserably.
We will not be crashing CD wars, or partaking in the activities that they do. We are Kings not peasants. We live in a castle, protected, secure, and supported by great people with great minds. They, as you can see by the state of them, and their pathetic crash attempts, are feeble, undesired, and currently being used by VR as recruiting grounds. In the end, CD will fall, and its members will join either VR or Eos. Both VR and Eos are our friends and allies.
I have already spoken to a few CD members and many of them like us, they are even thinking about joining us. And when they do decide to join, we will welcome them with open arms. Why? Because we aren't like CD. We are Kings. We do not use our power to spread injustice or ruin other peoples day. We are here to have fun and be part of an amazing community. We've already succeeded in both.
CD can come at us with everything they've got, but the castle we've built here has impenetrable walls. They are wasting their time.
Discussion Questions:
How would you deal with a clan envious of your success?
If you did nothing to instigate your enemy clan (who is after you), should you still apologize and back down? Or should you fight, like true warriors?