Answers are up!
Mods - don't lock yet please, let's give some time for discussion.
I've added sources for most of them, but if anyone wants to dispute feel free to.
Q1: The Forgotten Legion was formerly the clan of which famous Runescape player?
A: Zezima.
Source: Topic on DI forums
Q2: What area of the Wilderness was RSC based in for the Multi-Site Steel War 2?
A: Ruins east of Gdz/Water Maze.
New Gate is also acceptable, it was pretty spread out.
Source: Video
Q3: What was the name of Shadow Elves' junior clan?
A: Initiate Elves.
My old clan RBH were allies with them back in 2006.
Q4: Which clan's leader sung Fergie's "Glamorous" with Runescape lyrics?
A: Violent Resolution, sung by Milap in May 2007.
Conditions21 might still have the recording.
Q5: Who won the P2P subdivision of the 2010 Jagex Clan Cup?
A: Reign of Terror.
Source: Results newspost
Q6: The country clan French Riders fought two clans for their first war in September 2006 - Glorious Immortals and who?
A: Forbidden.
You could also mention Abyssal Guardians for half a point, as they fought in Round 2.
Source: FR's Video History
Q7: Complete the phrase: "Bow down or..."
A: "...Fall Down." Downfall, of course.
Q8: Which clan was led by Renesito?
A: The Rune Outlaws.
Q9: The Abyssal Guardians reformed under a new name before their closure in January 2007. What was the name of the reform?
A: Unholy.
Avenged was a remake several months later, not the reform.
Q10: Name the junior clan of the White Tigers.
A: The White Tiger Cubs.
Q11: Why might targeting Ghjjf on a DI PK trip be a financially good idea?
A: You might get a white partyhat.
Mentioning he PKed with rares gets the point.
Q12: What do VR, Robtokill, ZKP and His Lordship all have in common?
A: They were all mentioned in This Is Why I'm RoT.
If you mentioned Zack494 or rap you get half a point, but I ideally wanted the song name.
Q13: Which clan has created an annual video yearbook with all their members since 2010?
A: Divine Forces.
These can be found in their Hall of Fame.
Q14: The team-37 cape (
) was mainly attributed to which clan?
A: Echo of Silence.
Eternal Honour wore 38s, not 37s.
Q15: Complete the phrase: "Live as if you will die tomorrow..."
A: "...Fight as if you will live forever."
A version of the James Dean/Ghandi quotes, said by The Moriquendi on their website.
Q16: The now-famous Stokenut was a former co-leader of which clan?
A: Fidelity, alongside Draken Burst.
I would also accept Dungeoneering Elites, but they weren't a PvP clan.
WG and DG are not acceptable answers, as he was never co-leader in either.
Q17: Name the clan in this image.
A: TuneScape, massing at their famous location atop the Varrock castle.
Q18: Which clan had the most members attending Runefest 2011?
A: Spirits of Arianwyn, with 15.
WG did have the most in 2010, unfortunately we were outpulled the following year.
Source: SoA October Newsletter
Q19: UBH co-leader Avni was the real life brother of which other clan leader?
A: Pureclip, leader of Phoenix Elites.
Q20: What is special about March 5th 2004?
A: The opening of Damage Incorporated.
Source: their history topic on DI forums.
I'm curious as to how you guys got DI vs RSD.
Mods - don't lock yet please, let's give some time for discussion.
I've added sources for most of them, but if anyone wants to dispute feel free to.
- hellboysjd2 (11)
- Bigroror (10.5)
- Fidel Panda (7)
- Novaname (6)
- wizart2810 (6)
- Grogan (5.5)
- 7sem10 (4)
- Vinny (4)
- XshinobizX (3)
- H A Richards (2)
- Goblin. (2)
- 9856798563219325413 (2)
- Frenchfry (1)
- Jet Planes (1)
- Jack_Bauers (1)
- bryanq (1)
- CL Trevor (1)
- Ax e (1)
- Danne (1)
- Elder Jr (1)
- George (0.5)
Q1: The Forgotten Legion was formerly the clan of which famous Runescape player?
A: Zezima.
Source: Topic on DI forums
Q2: What area of the Wilderness was RSC based in for the Multi-Site Steel War 2?
A: Ruins east of Gdz/Water Maze.
New Gate is also acceptable, it was pretty spread out.
Source: Video
Q3: What was the name of Shadow Elves' junior clan?
A: Initiate Elves.
My old clan RBH were allies with them back in 2006.
Q4: Which clan's leader sung Fergie's "Glamorous" with Runescape lyrics?
A: Violent Resolution, sung by Milap in May 2007.
Conditions21 might still have the recording.
Q5: Who won the P2P subdivision of the 2010 Jagex Clan Cup?
A: Reign of Terror.
Source: Results newspost
Q6: The country clan French Riders fought two clans for their first war in September 2006 - Glorious Immortals and who?
A: Forbidden.
You could also mention Abyssal Guardians for half a point, as they fought in Round 2.
Source: FR's Video History
Q7: Complete the phrase: "Bow down or..."
A: "...Fall Down." Downfall, of course.
Q8: Which clan was led by Renesito?
A: The Rune Outlaws.
Q9: The Abyssal Guardians reformed under a new name before their closure in January 2007. What was the name of the reform?
A: Unholy.
Avenged was a remake several months later, not the reform.
Q10: Name the junior clan of the White Tigers.
A: The White Tiger Cubs.
Q11: Why might targeting Ghjjf on a DI PK trip be a financially good idea?
A: You might get a white partyhat.
Mentioning he PKed with rares gets the point.
Q12: What do VR, Robtokill, ZKP and His Lordship all have in common?
A: They were all mentioned in This Is Why I'm RoT.
If you mentioned Zack494 or rap you get half a point, but I ideally wanted the song name.
Q13: Which clan has created an annual video yearbook with all their members since 2010?
A: Divine Forces.
These can be found in their Hall of Fame.
Q14: The team-37 cape (

A: Echo of Silence.
Eternal Honour wore 38s, not 37s.
Q15: Complete the phrase: "Live as if you will die tomorrow..."
A: "...Fight as if you will live forever."
A version of the James Dean/Ghandi quotes, said by The Moriquendi on their website.
Q16: The now-famous Stokenut was a former co-leader of which clan?
A: Fidelity, alongside Draken Burst.
I would also accept Dungeoneering Elites, but they weren't a PvP clan.
WG and DG are not acceptable answers, as he was never co-leader in either.
Q17: Name the clan in this image.
A: TuneScape, massing at their famous location atop the Varrock castle.
Q18: Which clan had the most members attending Runefest 2011?
A: Spirits of Arianwyn, with 15.
WG did have the most in 2010, unfortunately we were outpulled the following year.
Source: SoA October Newsletter
Q19: UBH co-leader Avni was the real life brother of which other clan leader?
A: Pureclip, leader of Phoenix Elites.
Q20: What is special about March 5th 2004?
A: The opening of Damage Incorporated.
Source: their history topic on DI forums.
I'm curious as to how you guys got DI vs RSD.
Another topic for gkitti ![:wub:]()
We had 3 of these back in 2009, and they were pretty popular.
Unfortunately the OP is on holiday, so I figured I might try my hand at it.
20 questions relating to the clan world, past and present, of varying difficulty.
Be aware - I'm not His Lordship and have only been clanning since 2006.
I've tried to make these as diverse as possible, but it's generally based around my personal experience.
Post your answers below, I'll reveal all the answers on Sunday the 19th.

We had 3 of these back in 2009, and they were pretty popular.
Unfortunately the OP is on holiday, so I figured I might try my hand at it.
20 questions relating to the clan world, past and present, of varying difficulty.
Be aware - I'm not His Lordship and have only been clanning since 2006.
I've tried to make these as diverse as possible, but it's generally based around my personal experience.
Post your answers below, I'll reveal all the answers on Sunday the 19th.