Start at 11:10
TLDR at bottom of post.
Better that you watch it, but transcript is below:
Obviously, there is much to discuss.
I'm hoping this can be kept a flame-free topic because this transcends personal politics between clans and individuals.
Firstly, exciting confirmation that Jagex have guaranteed us a big wilderness update at the start of next year. A little bird tells me that this was due in part to the strong upcry from everyone here and those retired in response to our dire situation. Also, Jagex has read the appendix we compiled, and not only read it but circulated it around the entire office. All the people at the top, including the entire content team, have read it, so my thanks to the community who contributed all your incredible ideas to the appendix.
Secondly, how much is this update going to change things? I get the feeling a lot of naysayers will go "too little, too late" or "Jagex will screw it up as they always do". Let me rush to their defense. They specifically planned what we asked of them - resources and new wilderness content. This will only do great things for us. There will be others who say "EoC will kill RS anyway, so who cares?" I believe the opposite. Yes, we'll lose some players who are dear to us because they love their old game, but this is time to embrace a new player base. Fresh blood in old establishments. We can't stop change. EoC will not be loved by us all, but so many players, thanks to the wilderness updates and the EoC, will start exploring PVP again. I'm so very excited to make new friends and try out a virtually new game and relearn everything. We were DYING - we had so little to lose. The EoC could only have improved things. If we were to remain as we were, we would have SURELY died. Who knows, with a new PVP clan world, we may go back to the ways of honour if we aren't so worried about our survival, and winning the fight around the corner.
Thirdly, you heard they said the later wilderness updates in 2013 are NOT confirmed, but they are toying with the idea. You also heard they are reading feedback from PKers on the forums every day. I beg of all of you, not perceiving myself as a movement leader but merely a fellow player, to get on the forums and ask for such updates to happen. A crapload of skillers are going to whine about losing their pickackes and dragonhides. We need to show Jagex how much support they truly have. We've won the major battle, now it's time to push for the largest border.
Finally, they made specific indications as to what they were going to do. What do you think of the bits they revealed? War bands with generals, resources such as updating the agility arena, stealing XP (sort of like EP)? This is aside from the EoC updates that were mentioned of course.
So yes, please post. So much is going to change for us, for the better I hope.
EDIT: Additionally, I'd like to reinforce my hunch that these changes will be rolled out in F2P at least in part. Jagex took more than a decent look at our appendix and those of you who have read it will know how much I pushed for F2P updates. More info on page 4 regarding f2p.