If given the choice, assuming you were leader or equivalent, would you choose to close your clan if it was, seemingly, becoming a complete shadow of its former self? Or would you risk dragging your 'rich' history/legacy [assuming you had any] down and becoming somewhat irrelevant to the main competitors in the clan world?
People look at the likes of DI/DS and consider them great, but had they remained open until this day [presumably changed leaderships if the need arose], would we still be able to look at them in the same light? This is not meant to be flamebait, just an observation, but if it comes across as it, you can remove these examples: The Wilderness Guardians, 'The' clan, and The Titans etc. have all noticeably fallen off in comparison to their former selves, yet they choose to exist.
The answer might seem obvious, but before you make your choice, do note that this is just a game, and nobody outside it cares what your 'clan' did on it.
People look at the likes of DI/DS and consider them great, but had they remained open until this day [presumably changed leaderships if the need arose], would we still be able to look at them in the same light? This is not meant to be flamebait, just an observation, but if it comes across as it, you can remove these examples: The Wilderness Guardians, 'The' clan, and The Titans etc. have all noticeably fallen off in comparison to their former selves, yet they choose to exist.
The answer might seem obvious, but before you make your choice, do note that this is just a game, and nobody outside it cares what your 'clan' did on it.