16 Dec 2006 - 16 Dec 2012
Yups, 6 years ago, on 16 December 2006, Thekiller162 and Brad king1 created Dutch Generation, so we will turn 6 year old tomorrow.
I can make a huge post but no1 will read it.
Thanks all the clans who fought us in the last 6 years, most of em died already but who cares.
Veghan made a great post about our history with some great pictures and movies, so if you want to read it go ahead.
e: we r not dead, just a bd post
December just started and the weather wasn’t good. It was freezing outside and everywhere you looked you saw a lot of snow. Because of the weather you couldn't go outside. At this moment there were 2 people (Thekiller162 & Brad King1) that didn’t knew what they should do. Till one of the two came up with an amazing idea. They were already playing Runescape together for like 1+/- year so they thought: why don’t we make a clan together? This came up in their mind because they were in a clan before named The Black Legends. So they decided to make an own clan now. After thinking about it for one day he finally decided that he really wanted to do it. He decided that he didn’t wanted a clan just like any other clan. No.. He wanted to create a clan that was Dutch only. After the idea he needed his friend to agree with him. Of course he couldn’t start a clan on his own, that’s why he needed his friend also. But that wasn’t a problem , his friend liked the idea and they could start. Without thinking about the rest they forgot the most important thing. In all the rush they forgot to chose a name for their clan. You couldn’t create a clan without a name.. So they had to search for it. The first place where the searched was on the internet. There wasn’t something that stood out for them on the internet so they kept searching in the papers or just looking around in the house. When they almost decided a name, Thekiller162 came up with an amazing name. He thought that the name he found was the best name a dutch clan could have: ‘Dutch Generation’. It was easy and short. It was a name that people would remember or something they could easily express. For their main color they choose green.
Now they thought they had everything to start the clan. Once again they were wrong. They also needed a forum. They both didn’t know how to make a forum, so they had to search it on the internet. This time it went a little faster then searching a name. Together they worked on the forums and everything was set to open the clan( Reqs,gear,..). Maybe it wasn't the best forums but it was good enough to convince people and start the clan.
Chapter II.I: Dutch Generation #1 got formed on 16 December 2006
Thekiller162 & bradking1 couldn’t wait anymore. It was finally so far! It was 16 december 2006 when they decided to open their clan. The forums were open and they made a recruitment topic on Lunagang to recruit Dutch people to their clan. They only made a Lunagang topic because they were a Dutch only clan. Before they opened they had already a people that would join from the closed clan The Black Legends. But they still needed more people that wanted to join.
Day after day they saw new people registering on their forums. Unfortunately they didn’t all join, most of them only made an intro and after that they never came on the forums again. The things weren’t going like they wanted it to go, so they had to do something about it. A few members had an idea how they could recruit more people. The idea was to make a promotion video about Dutch Generation to gain new recruits. But before they could make this video they needed action. They decided to do few fun events and went in to the wilderness a few times.
After they had enough screenshots and video’s to make a promotion video they started making it. When they finally posted the video on youtube & lunagang, they just had to wait till people saw it. People saw the video and more people joined Dutch Generation. At the end of April they finally had around 60 - 70+ members. It was the moment to go in the wilderness more often and fight bigger clans. Things went good and each week they did more and more events. Their main day to have an event was Sunday and the rest of the week they did events on Friday, Wednesday or just any other day when the members could attend it.
Apart from the PK events they had also some fun events. Most of the fun events were based on learning the members how you could tank, hugg obstacles, bind or anything else which was a part of warring.
Chapter II.II: Dutch Generation’s first war
They had so much fun during these events that the days and months flew over. Because they were pretty young still not everyone could attend every event. So they did alot of events with small opstions. At this events they just searched for small clans to clear or did run in against clans that they found.
They were ready for something bigger. So Thekiller162 searched for their first war ever for Dutch Generation. The war was set, it was a steel war because it was their first war ever. Now it was just waiting till the day was there. When it was finally so far for their first war ever, they massed up at the monastery or varrock church and walked up to greater demons 30 minutes later.
The fight went great and they won their first ever war. Dutch Generation made an amazing impression and this had a result. New people joined Dutch Generation and that made the memberlist bigger.
Chapter II.III: Leader stops & growing
Brad King1 found it was enough for him and left Dutch Generation as leader. They had to search for an other leader/Co-leader but that wasn’t that big of a problem because they had the perfect person already in their mind. This person was Th_007. From that moment Th_007 did the things what Brad King1 used to do. This didn’t change anything about the performances and Dutch Generation kept owning. Because of the amazing results Dutch Generation had more and more people joining. Friends recruited their friends and their friends recruited their friends. The year was over in no time and Dutch Generation could look back on a nice year. Not only the performances of Dutch Generation became better also the community grew and became amazing.
Chapter III.I: changing the combat req
A new year just started and Dutch Generation had their first birthday. The members from Dutch Generation decided to train their combat levels because if they wanted to get better and fighting against bigger clans they had to train up. They also decided to change the combat requirement from 90+ to 95+.
Without being a clan with a lot people that had high combat levels they still won against good clans and that impressed the other clans.
Chapter III.II: hate and merge
One person in the Clan World didn't like it that Dutch Generation was so good that he started to hate Dutch Generation. This resulted in a fight between Dutch Generation and Dragon Warriorz. The members from both clans started to hate each other and this led to a crash war.
The two leaders of the two clans saw that it was too much and strangely this resulted in a merge between Dutch Generation and Dragon Warriorz. Th_007 didn’t like it and left Dutch Generation , this resulted in a staff change. Sirroyce took Th_007 his place in while Th00_7 disappeared. For the members self was it not a problem that both clans would merge because they all loved it to be in a large clan. It wasn’t that difficult to choose an other name because both leaders agreed on one name. That name was Destiny, a new start for the two clans. Their first fights went pretty good and other clans got owned by the biggest Dutch clan at that moment. Day after day and war after war kept Destiny owning and winning every war. But this couldn’t be forever.. After 2 – 3 months Thekiller162 and Moontrixx had a fight between them again and the members also. This resulted in a break-up in Destiny, everyone went to their old clan before the merge.
Chapter III.III: Restarting
The two clans went back solo and it all started over again. Dutch Generation hunted Dragon Warriorz and Dragon warriorz hunted Dutch Generation. No one quitted doing this and it even went worse. If crashing a normal fight wasn’t enough they crashed both their fun events. They didn’t care about being honour or not , they just hated each other so much that they did everything.
Chapter III.IV: Closing
Because of the many rival crashes and fights the days went over and it was late November when the worst update ever was announced. The wilderniss would be deleted at 10 december 2007. This caused panic between members and staff members because no one knew what they had to do. Not that long after it did Thekiller162 decide to leave Dutch Generation. This was the end of Dutch Generation #1.
When Dutch Generation got closed tried Thekiller162 to open some other clans like : Eternal Dutch , Furious.
Chapter IV.I: Dutch Generation #2 got formed
2008 was already started when Dutch Generation #2 was formed. It would be the same as the first Dutch Generation but only with different staff members and members. Even when it was a new start, a lot from Dutch Generation #1 joined. Without recruiting that much they had a large memberlist in no time. They had gained so many people because other clans closed because of the removal of the Wilderness. There was only one problem every clan had to deal with, they had to get used to the new Wilderness. Day in and day out they experimented the new Wilderness. First they thought that it would be difficult, but after 1-2 weeks they got accustomed to the new way of warring. They started warring again and accepting fights from clans. Besides wars Dutch Generation also had fun events.
Wars were won by Dutch Generation again and everything was back like it was before the update. Everyone enjoyed Dutch Generation, more and more people decided to join because of the good community and the good performances.
Chapter IV.II: Members and staff leaving
After a few months they started slumping. Members were going inactive and staff members didn’t want to keep going because they had IRL stuff to do. Because of this did Thekiller162 also decide to quit as a leader. This duo IRL problems and a few other things. This caused chaos between the staff members which resulted in a massive leave from the members. They left Dutch Generation because they didn’t want to be in a clan without Thekiller162 or with a bad staff. Only 2 staff members kept going and decided to promote other members that were loyal to Dutch Generation for a long time. They also didn’t trust Thekiller162 anymore because it was already the second time he left. So they made an own site and made a new IRC channel. They also wanted to change the combat requirement because it was to low in they eyes of the staff.
When they finally had everything back under control they could start warring again. They had a few problems, the clans they used to fight were not fightable anymore because of the massive leave what resulted in a smaller memberlist. This made Dutch Generation a med sized clan. The only thing what Dutch Generation could do was fighting other med sized clans and booking good results against them. That made Dutch Generation rebuilding again in autumn of 2008.
It promised to be a difficult year for Dutch Generation because they were still rebuilding after what happened in the last year. It didn’t stop Dutch Generation chasing their dreams and everyone kept hoping that 2009 would be a good year for them. Dutch Generation started winning wars in the new year and this with the help of good staff members and members that showed their dedication.
Dutch Generation still had to focus on their performances but it got better every war. Not long after that was Dutch Generation back again as 1,5 year before.
Not with a memberlist which had 70+ members on it but with just a memberlist with 35 – 50 people. It wasn’t the biggest memberlist but that didn’t count if you fought med sized clans. Even when they had a small memberlist a lot of clans had respect for Dutch Generation.
Because of the good fights and funny moments the time flew over. Dutch generation became one of the strongest med sized clans that were alive at that moment.
Everyone talked about Dutch Generation. No one thought they would be that good after the staff change and a massive leaves from members. But like always you can’t underrate small clans because Dutch Generation showed everyone that you don’t needed a large memberlist to own. They didn't only win against med sized clans but also against bigger clans. The times passed by and the end of 2009 was already there. This made the community even better and Dutch Generation became a closer family than any other clan could be.
A lot Dutch Generation members spent their Christmas time with Dutch Generation instead of going to family. They also ended their year together with a fun event just before it was the 1st of January.
2009 was a year with many changes and many good moments. No one could wait for 2010 to start and have the same as in 2009. Dutch Generation had a good start in 2010, a few Dutch clans closed their doors which gave Dutch Generation a lot recruits. Their memberlist went from 35 – 40 to 55 – 60 again and they could fight against larger clans that were still alive. They even could do more PKRI’s now because they didn’t had to be scared of crashers or clans that outpulled them. At their first war in 2010 they impressed everyone once again. After the good year in 2009 they did it again at the start of 2010. They won against good clans that were supposed to win easily against Dutch Generation. This gave a boost to the members from Dutch Generation and it made them performing better. Even when our memberlist grew , Dutch Generation still fought med sized clans. This because Dutch Generation had still great respect for the med sized clans also and didn’t want to step away from this. A lot of the members enjoyed their time in Dutch Generation and they wanted to take it to the next level. Many IRL events were organized at during the summer and that made them being one of the best community clans that existed at that moment. Even other clans were surprised that Dutch Generation had so many people at their IRL events that they started doing IRL events too. Everything went exactly how Dutch Generation wanted it to go. They won war after war and they kept owning most of the clans that came on their path. No one could stop us from winning till one clan didn’t like the fact that we were owning. After Dutch Generation won against Eternity, the Eternity members didn't like this and started ddosing. They even took it to a next level and hacked Dutch Generation’s forums. If that wasn’t enough they hacked the TS also and every fight Dutch Generation had, the fall in leaders and callers got ddosd. They tried to ruin the performances and these ddos attacks made some members leave the clan. The staff didn’t leave and tried to keep running Dutch Generation. Even without TS, Dutch Generation won most of their wars. Unfortunately they had to start fighting med sized clans again because their memberlist dropped to 30-40 people. Even when Dutch Generation had a smaller memberlist they signed up for a few tournaments. One of them was the Jagex cup tournament and they ended at the 3rd place. After all did 2010 not end like they wanted but they had a small memberlist with dedicated members left and that was good enough to have a new start in 2011.
2011 started and everyone looked forward to this. After all the trouble with the DDOSING and site hacks could Dutch Generation start again with the rebuilding. It started very slowly and it didn’t looked like any new members were joining.. So they just kept going with a smaller memberlist. Because they had a small memberlist they could work on their performances and many other things what they couldn’t do before. They also could concentrate at people who didn't perform well and help them improving their warring skills. This made Dutch Generation standing out more then any other clan. They improved every war and defeated better clans with their oustanding performances.
If this wasn’t enough they also became better friends with True Ownage and during the summer of 2011 they became officialy allies.
They had around 3 wars per month together and they've defeated many top clans. This made the alliance even stronger and stronger. Unfortunately True 0wnage closed in December 2011 and Dutch Generation lost their allies. Most of the Dutch people from True 0wnage decided to join Dutch Generation.
They were still one of the best matched opts clans and after war got won by Dutch Generation. Whether it was a good clan or bad , Dutch Generation won against them all most of the times. This made Dutch Generation being the best in CWA and a lot of teams/clans wanted to team up with them for a lot of events. Dutch Generation also signed up with their small memberlist for the 20 vs 20 in the MK cup , CJ cup and Jagex cup. The results were outstanding but even when they were the best they only could win 1 tournament. This was the MK 20 vs 20 cup. They got ‘disqualified’ in the Jagex Cup for running out of bounds and ended second in the 30 vs 30 MK cup.
The year was so good that it went so fast and 2011 ended in no time. It was without a doubt the best year for Dutch Generation in their history since they opened. Even with a small memberlist they did hurt so many clans with just their outstanding performances. Dutch Generation couldn’t wait for what 2012 would bring them.
After an amazing year , with great moments and results couldn’t Dutch Generation wait to see what 2012 would bring them.Dutch Generation kept the good performances and won a few more wars. Arround this time did Sirroyce in May also decide to quit as a leader after 4 - 5 years of leading Dutch Generation. After a good start started Dutch Generation with slumping. The first sign that things were going badly was noticeable at the CJ tournaments. Dutch Generation started the tournaments on a high but then got pretty hard owned by not the best clans out there.This was the first sign that the things weren’t going the way they used to go. But luckily they were still in the 20+20 vs 20+20 CJ tournament together with Euphoria and won it. That made something good , because they lost the 20 vs 20 against an easy opponent.
After this they signed up for the Jagex cup tournament. After what happened at the CJ tournaments the wanted to be sure about this tournament and win their category (20vs20). They almost lost against again an easy opponent but with some luck they won the fight. That was the only moment when they performed bad , the rest was for Dutch Generation. They ended up in the final against Future of old Styles and won this war. They won the 20v20 Jagex Cup 2012.
After this a lot of members went inactive and Dutch Generation started slumping again. The pulls went down, Dutch Generation started losing more fights and the performances weren't good. Because of this there was a small fight between members & members / members & staff members. Some staff members decided to step down(Kjell,Ronnie,Sem,Joeri_boy20,..) and new people took their place in. Dutch Generation decided to keep going even when the EOC was coming. Now that the EOC is there Dutch Generation will go on a new adventure...
December just started and the weather wasn’t good. It was freezing outside and everywhere you looked you saw a lot of snow. Because of the weather you couldn't go outside. At this moment there were 2 people (Thekiller162 & Brad King1) that didn’t knew what they should do. Till one of the two came up with an amazing idea. They were already playing Runescape together for like 1+/- year so they thought: why don’t we make a clan together? This came up in their mind because they were in a clan before named The Black Legends. So they decided to make an own clan now. After thinking about it for one day he finally decided that he really wanted to do it. He decided that he didn’t wanted a clan just like any other clan. No.. He wanted to create a clan that was Dutch only. After the idea he needed his friend to agree with him. Of course he couldn’t start a clan on his own, that’s why he needed his friend also. But that wasn’t a problem , his friend liked the idea and they could start. Without thinking about the rest they forgot the most important thing. In all the rush they forgot to chose a name for their clan. You couldn’t create a clan without a name.. So they had to search for it. The first place where the searched was on the internet. There wasn’t something that stood out for them on the internet so they kept searching in the papers or just looking around in the house. When they almost decided a name, Thekiller162 came up with an amazing name. He thought that the name he found was the best name a dutch clan could have: ‘Dutch Generation’. It was easy and short. It was a name that people would remember or something they could easily express. For their main color they choose green.
Now they thought they had everything to start the clan. Once again they were wrong. They also needed a forum. They both didn’t know how to make a forum, so they had to search it on the internet. This time it went a little faster then searching a name. Together they worked on the forums and everything was set to open the clan( Reqs,gear,..). Maybe it wasn't the best forums but it was good enough to convince people and start the clan.
Thekiller162 & bradking1 couldn’t wait anymore. It was finally so far! It was 16 december 2006 when they decided to open their clan. The forums were open and they made a recruitment topic on Lunagang to recruit Dutch people to their clan. They only made a Lunagang topic because they were a Dutch only clan. Before they opened they had already a people that would join from the closed clan The Black Legends. But they still needed more people that wanted to join.
Day after day they saw new people registering on their forums. Unfortunately they didn’t all join, most of them only made an intro and after that they never came on the forums again. The things weren’t going like they wanted it to go, so they had to do something about it. A few members had an idea how they could recruit more people. The idea was to make a promotion video about Dutch Generation to gain new recruits. But before they could make this video they needed action. They decided to do few fun events and went in to the wilderness a few times.
After they had enough screenshots and video’s to make a promotion video they started making it. When they finally posted the video on youtube & lunagang, they just had to wait till people saw it. People saw the video and more people joined Dutch Generation. At the end of April they finally had around 60 - 70+ members. It was the moment to go in the wilderness more often and fight bigger clans. Things went good and each week they did more and more events. Their main day to have an event was Sunday and the rest of the week they did events on Friday, Wednesday or just any other day when the members could attend it.
Apart from the PK events they had also some fun events. Most of the fun events were based on learning the members how you could tank, hugg obstacles, bind or anything else which was a part of warring.
They had so much fun during these events that the days and months flew over. Because they were pretty young still not everyone could attend every event. So they did alot of events with small opstions. At this events they just searched for small clans to clear or did run in against clans that they found.
They were ready for something bigger. So Thekiller162 searched for their first war ever for Dutch Generation. The war was set, it was a steel war because it was their first war ever. Now it was just waiting till the day was there. When it was finally so far for their first war ever, they massed up at the monastery or varrock church and walked up to greater demons 30 minutes later.
The fight went great and they won their first ever war. Dutch Generation made an amazing impression and this had a result. New people joined Dutch Generation and that made the memberlist bigger.
Brad King1 found it was enough for him and left Dutch Generation as leader. They had to search for an other leader/Co-leader but that wasn’t that big of a problem because they had the perfect person already in their mind. This person was Th_007. From that moment Th_007 did the things what Brad King1 used to do. This didn’t change anything about the performances and Dutch Generation kept owning. Because of the amazing results Dutch Generation had more and more people joining. Friends recruited their friends and their friends recruited their friends. The year was over in no time and Dutch Generation could look back on a nice year. Not only the performances of Dutch Generation became better also the community grew and became amazing.
A new year just started and Dutch Generation had their first birthday. The members from Dutch Generation decided to train their combat levels because if they wanted to get better and fighting against bigger clans they had to train up. They also decided to change the combat requirement from 90+ to 95+.
Without being a clan with a lot people that had high combat levels they still won against good clans and that impressed the other clans.
One person in the Clan World didn't like it that Dutch Generation was so good that he started to hate Dutch Generation. This resulted in a fight between Dutch Generation and Dragon Warriorz. The members from both clans started to hate each other and this led to a crash war.
The two leaders of the two clans saw that it was too much and strangely this resulted in a merge between Dutch Generation and Dragon Warriorz. Th_007 didn’t like it and left Dutch Generation , this resulted in a staff change. Sirroyce took Th_007 his place in while Th00_7 disappeared. For the members self was it not a problem that both clans would merge because they all loved it to be in a large clan. It wasn’t that difficult to choose an other name because both leaders agreed on one name. That name was Destiny, a new start for the two clans. Their first fights went pretty good and other clans got owned by the biggest Dutch clan at that moment. Day after day and war after war kept Destiny owning and winning every war. But this couldn’t be forever.. After 2 – 3 months Thekiller162 and Moontrixx had a fight between them again and the members also. This resulted in a break-up in Destiny, everyone went to their old clan before the merge.
The two clans went back solo and it all started over again. Dutch Generation hunted Dragon Warriorz and Dragon warriorz hunted Dutch Generation. No one quitted doing this and it even went worse. If crashing a normal fight wasn’t enough they crashed both their fun events. They didn’t care about being honour or not , they just hated each other so much that they did everything.
Because of the many rival crashes and fights the days went over and it was late November when the worst update ever was announced. The wilderniss would be deleted at 10 december 2007. This caused panic between members and staff members because no one knew what they had to do. Not that long after it did Thekiller162 decide to leave Dutch Generation. This was the end of Dutch Generation #1.
When Dutch Generation got closed tried Thekiller162 to open some other clans like : Eternal Dutch , Furious.
2008 was already started when Dutch Generation #2 was formed. It would be the same as the first Dutch Generation but only with different staff members and members. Even when it was a new start, a lot from Dutch Generation #1 joined. Without recruiting that much they had a large memberlist in no time. They had gained so many people because other clans closed because of the removal of the Wilderness. There was only one problem every clan had to deal with, they had to get used to the new Wilderness. Day in and day out they experimented the new Wilderness. First they thought that it would be difficult, but after 1-2 weeks they got accustomed to the new way of warring. They started warring again and accepting fights from clans. Besides wars Dutch Generation also had fun events.
Wars were won by Dutch Generation again and everything was back like it was before the update. Everyone enjoyed Dutch Generation, more and more people decided to join because of the good community and the good performances.
After a few months they started slumping. Members were going inactive and staff members didn’t want to keep going because they had IRL stuff to do. Because of this did Thekiller162 also decide to quit as a leader. This duo IRL problems and a few other things. This caused chaos between the staff members which resulted in a massive leave from the members. They left Dutch Generation because they didn’t want to be in a clan without Thekiller162 or with a bad staff. Only 2 staff members kept going and decided to promote other members that were loyal to Dutch Generation for a long time. They also didn’t trust Thekiller162 anymore because it was already the second time he left. So they made an own site and made a new IRC channel. They also wanted to change the combat requirement because it was to low in they eyes of the staff.
When they finally had everything back under control they could start warring again. They had a few problems, the clans they used to fight were not fightable anymore because of the massive leave what resulted in a smaller memberlist. This made Dutch Generation a med sized clan. The only thing what Dutch Generation could do was fighting other med sized clans and booking good results against them. That made Dutch Generation rebuilding again in autumn of 2008.
It promised to be a difficult year for Dutch Generation because they were still rebuilding after what happened in the last year. It didn’t stop Dutch Generation chasing their dreams and everyone kept hoping that 2009 would be a good year for them. Dutch Generation started winning wars in the new year and this with the help of good staff members and members that showed their dedication.
Dutch Generation still had to focus on their performances but it got better every war. Not long after that was Dutch Generation back again as 1,5 year before.
Not with a memberlist which had 70+ members on it but with just a memberlist with 35 – 50 people. It wasn’t the biggest memberlist but that didn’t count if you fought med sized clans. Even when they had a small memberlist a lot of clans had respect for Dutch Generation.
Because of the good fights and funny moments the time flew over. Dutch generation became one of the strongest med sized clans that were alive at that moment.
Everyone talked about Dutch Generation. No one thought they would be that good after the staff change and a massive leaves from members. But like always you can’t underrate small clans because Dutch Generation showed everyone that you don’t needed a large memberlist to own. They didn't only win against med sized clans but also against bigger clans. The times passed by and the end of 2009 was already there. This made the community even better and Dutch Generation became a closer family than any other clan could be.
A lot Dutch Generation members spent their Christmas time with Dutch Generation instead of going to family. They also ended their year together with a fun event just before it was the 1st of January.
2009 was a year with many changes and many good moments. No one could wait for 2010 to start and have the same as in 2009. Dutch Generation had a good start in 2010, a few Dutch clans closed their doors which gave Dutch Generation a lot recruits. Their memberlist went from 35 – 40 to 55 – 60 again and they could fight against larger clans that were still alive. They even could do more PKRI’s now because they didn’t had to be scared of crashers or clans that outpulled them. At their first war in 2010 they impressed everyone once again. After the good year in 2009 they did it again at the start of 2010. They won against good clans that were supposed to win easily against Dutch Generation. This gave a boost to the members from Dutch Generation and it made them performing better. Even when our memberlist grew , Dutch Generation still fought med sized clans. This because Dutch Generation had still great respect for the med sized clans also and didn’t want to step away from this. A lot of the members enjoyed their time in Dutch Generation and they wanted to take it to the next level. Many IRL events were organized at during the summer and that made them being one of the best community clans that existed at that moment. Even other clans were surprised that Dutch Generation had so many people at their IRL events that they started doing IRL events too. Everything went exactly how Dutch Generation wanted it to go. They won war after war and they kept owning most of the clans that came on their path. No one could stop us from winning till one clan didn’t like the fact that we were owning. After Dutch Generation won against Eternity, the Eternity members didn't like this and started ddosing. They even took it to a next level and hacked Dutch Generation’s forums. If that wasn’t enough they hacked the TS also and every fight Dutch Generation had, the fall in leaders and callers got ddosd. They tried to ruin the performances and these ddos attacks made some members leave the clan. The staff didn’t leave and tried to keep running Dutch Generation. Even without TS, Dutch Generation won most of their wars. Unfortunately they had to start fighting med sized clans again because their memberlist dropped to 30-40 people. Even when Dutch Generation had a smaller memberlist they signed up for a few tournaments. One of them was the Jagex cup tournament and they ended at the 3rd place. After all did 2010 not end like they wanted but they had a small memberlist with dedicated members left and that was good enough to have a new start in 2011.
2011 started and everyone looked forward to this. After all the trouble with the DDOSING and site hacks could Dutch Generation start again with the rebuilding. It started very slowly and it didn’t looked like any new members were joining.. So they just kept going with a smaller memberlist. Because they had a small memberlist they could work on their performances and many other things what they couldn’t do before. They also could concentrate at people who didn't perform well and help them improving their warring skills. This made Dutch Generation standing out more then any other clan. They improved every war and defeated better clans with their oustanding performances.
If this wasn’t enough they also became better friends with True Ownage and during the summer of 2011 they became officialy allies.
They had around 3 wars per month together and they've defeated many top clans. This made the alliance even stronger and stronger. Unfortunately True 0wnage closed in December 2011 and Dutch Generation lost their allies. Most of the Dutch people from True 0wnage decided to join Dutch Generation.
They were still one of the best matched opts clans and after war got won by Dutch Generation. Whether it was a good clan or bad , Dutch Generation won against them all most of the times. This made Dutch Generation being the best in CWA and a lot of teams/clans wanted to team up with them for a lot of events. Dutch Generation also signed up with their small memberlist for the 20 vs 20 in the MK cup , CJ cup and Jagex cup. The results were outstanding but even when they were the best they only could win 1 tournament. This was the MK 20 vs 20 cup. They got ‘disqualified’ in the Jagex Cup for running out of bounds and ended second in the 30 vs 30 MK cup.
The year was so good that it went so fast and 2011 ended in no time. It was without a doubt the best year for Dutch Generation in their history since they opened. Even with a small memberlist they did hurt so many clans with just their outstanding performances. Dutch Generation couldn’t wait for what 2012 would bring them.
After an amazing year , with great moments and results couldn’t Dutch Generation wait to see what 2012 would bring them.Dutch Generation kept the good performances and won a few more wars. Arround this time did Sirroyce in May also decide to quit as a leader after 4 - 5 years of leading Dutch Generation. After a good start started Dutch Generation with slumping. The first sign that things were going badly was noticeable at the CJ tournaments. Dutch Generation started the tournaments on a high but then got pretty hard owned by not the best clans out there.This was the first sign that the things weren’t going the way they used to go. But luckily they were still in the 20+20 vs 20+20 CJ tournament together with Euphoria and won it. That made something good , because they lost the 20 vs 20 against an easy opponent.
After this they signed up for the Jagex cup tournament. After what happened at the CJ tournaments the wanted to be sure about this tournament and win their category (20vs20). They almost lost against again an easy opponent but with some luck they won the fight. That was the only moment when they performed bad , the rest was for Dutch Generation. They ended up in the final against Future of old Styles and won this war. They won the 20v20 Jagex Cup 2012.
After this a lot of members went inactive and Dutch Generation started slumping again. The pulls went down, Dutch Generation started losing more fights and the performances weren't good. Because of this there was a small fight between members & members / members & staff members. Some staff members decided to step down(Kjell,Ronnie,Sem,Joeri_boy20,..) and new people took their place in. Dutch Generation decided to keep going even when the EOC was coming. Now that the EOC is there Dutch Generation will go on a new adventure...