Yeah, it's been nine years since WL was created. Basically we were created back in 2003, founded by Exp Manoo + Vai Caga and Xera o Meu - these 3 had no idea of what was about to begin.
It all started with small PK Trips and soon more pepole joined, first goal was to have fun and after that WL was always aiming to be #1 portuguese-brazilian clan; since we are a country clan, we decided we were going to be the best one. Back in that time, there was only 1 significant pt/br clan, which was CvC.
Day by day our clan started to grow and WL was ready to fight against CvC, which we won (Wasn't there personally because I only joined WL in 2006, so can't tell much). After that, Cvc fell and other pt/brs clans were created, like THOR, MMA, TLW and our future rival SoG (Swords of Glory).
At first SoG was our ally and we went PKing together as WS, but then they merged with THOR and gained some force...that happening, they soon turned against us to take the #1 pt/br spot/rank.
So, around 2006 our rivals were basically SoG and MMA. Except for one specifically month which SoG was stronger, we slapped them pretty much every other fights for many years....late 2006 WL and SoG decided to have an official war which led to WL's victory.
SoG decided to close and most of their members joined MMA (since it was the only WL's rival around)...but we were still much better than MMA after that huge mass join, maintaining our #1. Those ex-SoG members left MMA and created TCL (which is still alive) and tried to be the remake of SoG....unfortunately I can't say that happened because TCL was never a real challenge for us like SoG was. We had other rivals like HA, but they're so crap I won't even spend my time writting about 'em.
For now, we are doing our thing, staying alive despite the impact of EoC on the Clan World. Personally it makes me very happy to have been part of Wilderland for so many years (like I said elsewhere, it's been a 6 years ride for me), and I wanna congratulate everyone who contributed to this clan.
This was WL vs SoG PKRI back in 2007

Our 100 man pull in CWPL

Epic quotes + our IRC in the past

Our old meeting spot

P2P PK Trips

Our epic victory against Eternal Honor (which was usually ranked way above us)

Our 5 years anniversary!!

Old PK Trips:

Fun events:

We even killed Zezima rofl:

Honestly, as much as I speak, I'll never be able to make a decent topic for such rich history/good clan. I'll just thank everyone who gave us good fights, even the closed ones (SE, TR, CR etc, great fights...) and for the haters....you were our fuel, you made us big, way bigger than you....thanks for that.
Although I have still thanked our members and ex-members, I wanna thank 'em again...
Last but not least:
ALIVE AND KICKIN'! 9 years !