The Clan CWA Ladder was first brought up to me in November by Evizu in a VR admin dicussion. He thought that the clan world should have an official ladder in which all clans are able to climb up, much like the RAW Ladder in 2006. The RAW ranking system had a decent amount of flaws in it so, I didn't want to go back to that method when re-making this. At first I was a little confused how we should set up this ladder but I think I managed to find a good way of allowing clans and teams to move up the ladder based on their CWA performances. After talking to clan officials in the UN, most liked this idea so we decided to go ahead and go through with it, posting it publicly for January 1st, 2013.
The Clan CWA Ladder will be based on the FIFA World Cup Ranking system devised in 2006. The idea of this system sees 3 points for a Win (no penalty shootout, 2 points for a Win (penalty shootout), 1 point for a Draw, 1 point for a Loss (penalty shootout) and 0 points for a Loss (no penalty shootout). Applied to Runescape CWA Clan fights, it will look like this:
Result Points
- Win (50% members left): 3 points
- Win (under 50% members left): 2 points
- Loss (brought opponent under 50% members left): 1 point
- Loss (unable to bring opponent under 50% members left): 0 points
Like the FIFA World Cup Ranking system, this system of only using the above does not account for things such as Opponent Strength in the current ladder or the idea of a "full out" or "official war". In order to account for these things, a multiplier bonus will be given.
Opponent Strength Multiplier - Based on their Current Ranking
- (200 - Opponent Current Rank Position)/100
Match Status Multiplier - Official War/Friendly War
- Friendly Match - x1
- Tournament Match (Jagex Cup, CJ Tournament, other RSC tournaments) - x2.5
- Official FullOut War - x3
- Tournament Match Final - x4
- Friendly Matches are any fights set up that are not official wars.
- Officials wars - Clans must officially declare a war against another clan in the Clan Discussion on RSC in order for this to be legitimate. The war almost must be at least 1 week in preparation.
- Tournament Matches will include every fight leading up to the final of the tournament. These will be RSC recognized tournaments only or the infamous Jagex Cup tournament held once a year. The final of these tournament matches is pretty self explanatory.
A final thing that I thought about was the idea of clans just basically sitting on their rank. Like the FIFA standing, this is accounted for in a "Assessment Period" multiplier.
Assessment Period
- Wars within the last 2 weeks: x1.0
- Wars within the last 4 weeks: x0.5
- Wars within the last 6 weeks: x0.3
- Wars within the last 12 weeks: x0.2
The purpose of the assessment period is to encourage clans to actively participate in the ladder at least once every 2 weeks (seems like a fair amount). The above is based on how long ago your last fight was. If you have only warred for the first time in 12 months, you will only get 0.2x for that fight. If it is within the last 2 weeks, you will receive the full points (x1.0) for the fight.
After all is said and done, each fight will come together like this:
- Ranking Points = 1*(Result Points x Opponent Strength x Match Status x Assessment Period)
Result Points: Won with 50% left in a fight = 3 points
Match Status: This was just a random fight, friendly = x1.0
Opponent Strangth: Fight was against the #10 clan on the rankings = (200-10)/100 = x1.9
Assessment Period: Fight was within 2 weeks of our last fight = x1.0
- Points for this fight: 1(3x1x1.9x1) = 5.7 points
Where to start
As of Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, a new era in the Runescape Clan World has unfolded with the release of the Evolution of Combat. From this date forward, any CWA based fights will be counted for.
- All clans not currently ranked will automatically be put as Rank 100, allowing for a 1.0x multiplier to be in affect for all fights.
- I'll assume everyone's last fight was before EOC so your Assessment Period will be November 20th with the release of the EOC.
- There will be a 1.5 month grace period before any clan/team gets ranks in order to prevent clans from getting any unfair multipliers from killing a higher ranked clan. The ladder has been started from November 20, 2012 and will officially start rankings January 1, 2013.(All clans will remain rank 100 until January 1, 2012)
- Starting January 2013, ranks will be given out based on the first month's statistics. Every month on the first, the ranks will be reset based on the statistics from the month prior. These ranks will determine the Opponent Strength bonus given for any fights during the following month.
Splitting of Tiers
In order for smaller clans to be represented more fairly on the ladder, the F2P Ladder will be split into 3 tiers. The deciding of the tiers will be based on the amount of rounds each clan does, with the cutoff being within 50% of the most active clan's amount of rounds and the next cutoff being 25% of the most clan clan's amount of rounds. This will allow smaller clans who cannot fight as much to be represented based on their performances while still promoting active warring in order to move into the tier above.
Ranking will be based on your performance and the tier you are in. If you do not meet the cutoff for the top tier, you will only be ranked in the middle of the ladder due to your inactivity warring. At the end of every month, ranks will be re-arranged based on the current ranking.
When calculating the opponent strength multiplier, your opponent's previous rank will be used.
This method is for each individual round. Seeing as most fights are 3 rounds, this allows for a lot of available points in each fight.
In order for a fight to be counted in this ladder, your fight must be posted on RSC.
I'm not running around every clan forum looking for fights that you were apart of Post in order for your clan to be counted on this rank table.
Run-Ins are NOT counted on this system. Knockout based fights only.
I'm sure this system has some flaws which I can already think of but for now, I think this will work.
Any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to PM me via IRC (Mike|Cera_S6 on SwiftIRC) or these forums.
This system is made to encourage war activity seeing as the more you war, the higher rank you will be. At the end of each month, ranks will be re-arranged and new rankings will be given out based on your previous month's activity and performances. This will allow for new clans/teams to be at a level playing field as everyone else.
Get out there and good luck warring!
The Clan CWA Ladder will be based on the FIFA World Cup Ranking system devised in 2006. The idea of this system sees 3 points for a Win (no penalty shootout, 2 points for a Win (penalty shootout), 1 point for a Draw, 1 point for a Loss (penalty shootout) and 0 points for a Loss (no penalty shootout). Applied to Runescape CWA Clan fights, it will look like this:
Result Points
- Win (50% members left): 3 points
- Win (under 50% members left): 2 points
- Loss (brought opponent under 50% members left): 1 point
- Loss (unable to bring opponent under 50% members left): 0 points
Like the FIFA World Cup Ranking system, this system of only using the above does not account for things such as Opponent Strength in the current ladder or the idea of a "full out" or "official war". In order to account for these things, a multiplier bonus will be given.
Opponent Strength Multiplier - Based on their Current Ranking
- (200 - Opponent Current Rank Position)/100
Match Status Multiplier - Official War/Friendly War
- Friendly Match - x1
- Tournament Match (Jagex Cup, CJ Tournament, other RSC tournaments) - x2.5
- Official FullOut War - x3
- Tournament Match Final - x4
- Friendly Matches are any fights set up that are not official wars.
- Officials wars - Clans must officially declare a war against another clan in the Clan Discussion on RSC in order for this to be legitimate. The war almost must be at least 1 week in preparation.
- Tournament Matches will include every fight leading up to the final of the tournament. These will be RSC recognized tournaments only or the infamous Jagex Cup tournament held once a year. The final of these tournament matches is pretty self explanatory.
A final thing that I thought about was the idea of clans just basically sitting on their rank. Like the FIFA standing, this is accounted for in a "Assessment Period" multiplier.
Assessment Period
- Wars within the last 2 weeks: x1.0
- Wars within the last 4 weeks: x0.5
- Wars within the last 6 weeks: x0.3
- Wars within the last 12 weeks: x0.2
The purpose of the assessment period is to encourage clans to actively participate in the ladder at least once every 2 weeks (seems like a fair amount). The above is based on how long ago your last fight was. If you have only warred for the first time in 12 months, you will only get 0.2x for that fight. If it is within the last 2 weeks, you will receive the full points (x1.0) for the fight.
After all is said and done, each fight will come together like this:
- Ranking Points = 1*(Result Points x Opponent Strength x Match Status x Assessment Period)
Result Points: Won with 50% left in a fight = 3 points
Match Status: This was just a random fight, friendly = x1.0
Opponent Strangth: Fight was against the #10 clan on the rankings = (200-10)/100 = x1.9
Assessment Period: Fight was within 2 weeks of our last fight = x1.0
- Points for this fight: 1(3x1x1.9x1) = 5.7 points
Where to start
As of Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, a new era in the Runescape Clan World has unfolded with the release of the Evolution of Combat. From this date forward, any CWA based fights will be counted for.
- All clans not currently ranked will automatically be put as Rank 100, allowing for a 1.0x multiplier to be in affect for all fights.
- I'll assume everyone's last fight was before EOC so your Assessment Period will be November 20th with the release of the EOC.
- There will be a 1.5 month grace period before any clan/team gets ranks in order to prevent clans from getting any unfair multipliers from killing a higher ranked clan. The ladder has been started from November 20, 2012 and will officially start rankings January 1, 2013.(All clans will remain rank 100 until January 1, 2012)
- Starting January 2013, ranks will be given out based on the first month's statistics. Every month on the first, the ranks will be reset based on the statistics from the month prior. These ranks will determine the Opponent Strength bonus given for any fights during the following month.
Splitting of Tiers
In order for smaller clans to be represented more fairly on the ladder, the F2P Ladder will be split into 3 tiers. The deciding of the tiers will be based on the amount of rounds each clan does, with the cutoff being within 50% of the most active clan's amount of rounds and the next cutoff being 25% of the most clan clan's amount of rounds. This will allow smaller clans who cannot fight as much to be represented based on their performances while still promoting active warring in order to move into the tier above.
Ranking will be based on your performance and the tier you are in. If you do not meet the cutoff for the top tier, you will only be ranked in the middle of the ladder due to your inactivity warring. At the end of every month, ranks will be re-arranged based on the current ranking.
When calculating the opponent strength multiplier, your opponent's previous rank will be used.
This topic will be edited daily and refreshed on the 1st of each month.
Previous Month's Ranking
*Note that due to allowing everyone to gain experience and not starting the Opponent Strength aspect of the ladder, the below is purely based on experience in the new EOC CWA based fighting style. Once we start accounting for Opponent Strength, this list will drastically change I'm sure.
Updated January 22 @ 8:10 pm EST
Important Changes:
Jan 22 - Future of Old Style defeats EU and drops them to take their #1 spot! / PH ties CP for #1 Activity
Jan 10 - Euphoria takes #1 spot from Ascension
Jan 5 - CP takes spot as #1 activity changing the cutoffs
Jan 4 - Tier Splitting started seeing as there are a good amount of clans who have warred now
Jan 2 - Current Rankings have been reset for the month - Good luck to everyone this month!
Current F2P Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
Top Amount of Rounds: CP/PH = 41
Tier 1/2 Cutoff = 20
Tier 2/3 Cutofff = 10
Tier 1
Future of Old Style - (Jan 22) - 101.25/24 = 4.22
Euphoria - (Jan 22) - 147.12/35 = 4.20
The Titans - (Jan 22) - 100.32/26 = 3.87
Ascension - (Jan 21) - 96.29/26 = 3.70
Pure Hatred - (Jan 22) - 147.14/41 = 3.59
Genesis - (Jan 19) - 93.62/29 = 3.23
Supremacy - (Jan 21) - 118.09/37 = 3.19
Runescape Dinasty - (Jan 22) - 75.86/24 = 3.16
Divine Forces - (Jan 22) - 80.47/26 = 3.10
Team Trinity - (Jan 21) - 98.2/34 = 2.89
Poison - (Jan 21) - 98.19/34 = 2.89
Monocromatic Brazil - (Jan 16) - 60.74/22 = 2.76
No Intentions - (Jan 22) - 61.77/23 = 2.69
Critical Damage - (Jan 22) - 82.05/33 = 2.49
Team Solar - (Jan 22) - 69.92/33 = 2.12
Collision - (Jan 22) - 39.96/20 = 2.00
Corrupted Knights - (Jan 21) - 52.57/27 = 1.95
G-Revolution - (Jan 19) - 42.63/22 = 1.94
Team AV - (Jan 20) - 57.27/30 = 1.91
Corrupt Pures - (Jan 16) - 75.5/41 = 1.84
Violent Resolution - (Jan 22) - 49.61/35 = 1.42
Legion Killers - (Jan 21) - 20.4/24 = 0.85
Team Victimized - (Jan 20) - 19.03/23 = 0.83
Tier 2
Soul Ascend - (Jan 22) - 78.68/19 = 4.14
Clan Europe - (Jan 22) - 74.32/18 = 4.13
Dutch Generation - (Jan 20) - 68.84/18 = 3.82
Silent Ember - (Jan 20) - 56.48/18 = 3.14
Forces of Poland - (Jan 10) - 32.7/11 = 2.97
Team Morphic - (Jan 21) - 52.55/18 = 2.92
Nexus - (Jan 13) - 28.32/10 = 2.83
THE Clan - (Jan 17) - 41.85/16 = 2.62
Solace - (Jan 22) - 31.87/14 = 2.28
Revolution Elite - (Jan 22) - 17.34/13 = 1.33
Wilderland - (Jan 22) - 14.53/15 = 0.97
Warriors of Heaven - (Jan 20) - 7.14/12 = 0.60
Tier 3
Silent Revelation - (Jan 11) - 9.36/2 = 4.68
Titan Revolution - (Jan 14) - 6.24/2 = 3.12
Chivalry Legions - (Jan 17) - 9.84/5 = 1.97
Supreme 3gypt - (Jan 13) - 3.76/2 = 1.88
Team Damage - (Jan 10) - 5.73/5 = 1.15
Night Killers - (Jan 14) - 3.12/4 = 0.78
Gladiatorz - (Jan 19) - 5.31/8 = 0.66
Wilderness Guardians - (Jan 18) - 1.59/8 = 0.20
The United Fighters - (Jan 11) - 0/2 = 0
Current P2P Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
Current Pure Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
Previous Month's Ranking
*Note that due to allowing everyone to gain experience and not starting the Opponent Strength aspect of the ladder, the below is purely based on experience in the new EOC CWA based fighting style. Once we start accounting for Opponent Strength, this list will drastically change I'm sure.
Updated January 22 @ 8:10 pm EST
Important Changes:
Jan 22 - Future of Old Style defeats EU and drops them to take their #1 spot! / PH ties CP for #1 Activity
Jan 10 - Euphoria takes #1 spot from Ascension
Jan 5 - CP takes spot as #1 activity changing the cutoffs
Jan 4 - Tier Splitting started seeing as there are a good amount of clans who have warred now
Jan 2 - Current Rankings have been reset for the month - Good luck to everyone this month!
Current F2P Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
Top Amount of Rounds: CP/PH = 41
Tier 1/2 Cutoff = 20
Tier 2/3 Cutofff = 10
Tier 1
Future of Old Style - (Jan 22) - 101.25/24 = 4.22
Euphoria - (Jan 22) - 147.12/35 = 4.20
The Titans - (Jan 22) - 100.32/26 = 3.87
Ascension - (Jan 21) - 96.29/26 = 3.70
Pure Hatred - (Jan 22) - 147.14/41 = 3.59
Genesis - (Jan 19) - 93.62/29 = 3.23
Supremacy - (Jan 21) - 118.09/37 = 3.19
Runescape Dinasty - (Jan 22) - 75.86/24 = 3.16
Divine Forces - (Jan 22) - 80.47/26 = 3.10
Team Trinity - (Jan 21) - 98.2/34 = 2.89
Poison - (Jan 21) - 98.19/34 = 2.89
Monocromatic Brazil - (Jan 16) - 60.74/22 = 2.76
No Intentions - (Jan 22) - 61.77/23 = 2.69
Critical Damage - (Jan 22) - 82.05/33 = 2.49
Team Solar - (Jan 22) - 69.92/33 = 2.12
Collision - (Jan 22) - 39.96/20 = 2.00
Corrupted Knights - (Jan 21) - 52.57/27 = 1.95
G-Revolution - (Jan 19) - 42.63/22 = 1.94
Team AV - (Jan 20) - 57.27/30 = 1.91
Corrupt Pures - (Jan 16) - 75.5/41 = 1.84
Violent Resolution - (Jan 22) - 49.61/35 = 1.42
Legion Killers - (Jan 21) - 20.4/24 = 0.85
Team Victimized - (Jan 20) - 19.03/23 = 0.83
Tier 2
Soul Ascend - (Jan 22) - 78.68/19 = 4.14
Clan Europe - (Jan 22) - 74.32/18 = 4.13
Dutch Generation - (Jan 20) - 68.84/18 = 3.82
Silent Ember - (Jan 20) - 56.48/18 = 3.14
Forces of Poland - (Jan 10) - 32.7/11 = 2.97
Team Morphic - (Jan 21) - 52.55/18 = 2.92
Nexus - (Jan 13) - 28.32/10 = 2.83
THE Clan - (Jan 17) - 41.85/16 = 2.62
Solace - (Jan 22) - 31.87/14 = 2.28
Revolution Elite - (Jan 22) - 17.34/13 = 1.33
Wilderland - (Jan 22) - 14.53/15 = 0.97
Warriors of Heaven - (Jan 20) - 7.14/12 = 0.60
Tier 3
Silent Revelation - (Jan 11) - 9.36/2 = 4.68
Titan Revolution - (Jan 14) - 6.24/2 = 3.12
Chivalry Legions - (Jan 17) - 9.84/5 = 1.97
Supreme 3gypt - (Jan 13) - 3.76/2 = 1.88
Team Damage - (Jan 10) - 5.73/5 = 1.15
Night Killers - (Jan 14) - 3.12/4 = 0.78
Gladiatorz - (Jan 19) - 5.31/8 = 0.66
Wilderness Guardians - (Jan 18) - 1.59/8 = 0.20
The United Fighters - (Jan 11) - 0/2 = 0
Current P2P Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
Current Pure Clan Rankings
Clan - Last Fight - Points/Total Rounds = Current Rating
This method is for each individual round. Seeing as most fights are 3 rounds, this allows for a lot of available points in each fight.
In order for a fight to be counted in this ladder, your fight must be posted on RSC.
I'm not running around every clan forum looking for fights that you were apart of Post in order for your clan to be counted on this rank table.
Run-Ins are NOT counted on this system. Knockout based fights only.
I'm sure this system has some flaws which I can already think of but for now, I think this will work.
Any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to PM me via IRC (Mike|Cera_S6 on SwiftIRC) or these forums.
This system is made to encourage war activity seeing as the more you war, the higher rank you will be. At the end of each month, ranks will be re-arranged and new rankings will be given out based on your previous month's activity and performances. This will allow for new clans/teams to be at a level playing field as everyone else.
Get out there and good luck warring!