Hey guys, at the moment I am working on a video to advertise the clan world. In this video I am showing the evolution phases we've seen throughout these years in the clan world. From Runescape Classic, to current era, eoc. I am not doing too much editing, I just need a simple video with the most noticeable footage in the clan world. This can be from epic spams, huge death marches etc, anything that will make the clan world look epic enough for people to be interested in joining. No, this is not another petition for Jagex to change their mind in making the wildy active, this is just a promotional video showing the history behind clans and the clan world overall. To do this though, I need help finding videos and pictures. Whichever clan you are on, put your best picture that makes viewers want to be part of your clan. Just know that I will not be putting every clan in this video, Ill try to but I can't promise anything for the reason that I want to provide epic things to the viewer, so, 20vs20 or 40vs40 matched opts fight wont do the trick. So, I need a bit more than that and of course, the most old school pictures you have to the newest. And also, if you can find an epic tittle for the video, go ahead and put it in.
Thank you :)
Thank you :)