If most clans stopped their activities in cwa/pvp or quit for a while, would Jagex consider to revise and reverse RS into former state? At the moment most active players are from the clan world and of the people online 2/3 of them are botters. So until you stop paying Jagex for the membership and play the game itself, nothing is going to change.How u think if most clans would stop having activity in cwa/pvp or just stop play rs for a while, would jagex look at this and think about turning rs back?because most active peoples is from clanword, right now in rs 2/3 players botters only. Still u gona pay jagex cash and play rs, he won't turn it back.
So who still crying about eoc updates just quit - lower players gona be=more chanse rs comes back.
So who still crying about eoc updates just quit - lower players gona be=more chanse rs comes back.