The Last Latin Clan - Rec Closed
One day two years ago, my friend DPX (Reaperpulex) and I created a Latin clan called Revolution Elite Clan. We were a small clan chat, but we soon want more things to do as a clan. Soon we Join in the clan wars world with the help of our new member ( then lead ) , Waton teton ( the guy who all latin people hate ) . We win some battles, loose others, but always together , like a family. With the arrival of eoc rec died as clan, but I try to revive it as a team. That worked a couple of months until we realized that we had lost the essence of what we had been rec . So today, we close our doors . We will Never forget personalities like:
Waton Teton: the best caller of the history, best flame weapon, a good lead, a good friend.
Dasein: Sexy voice, good caller, good officer, best rec singer , good friend.
Rip Pher : Best friend, CC leader, chavez lover
Flerida, Kroglotte: Always helping in all that they can. ( both good officers ) ( Kroglotte spastic )
Elrond: Most Dedicated, Good lead
Arde Papi: Exelent lead
King mrm : Best General, nice caller, ts
Fenix: Best officer, Dj, he help us a lot.
Slimmy : for kill us… jk for be a good member.
Oh chekmate: Allways looking for be a better player
All REC members who allways be there, giving us their support.
Dont forget something runescape clans, the game can change a thousand times, but if you guys dont loose the essence of that u guys are as a clan or a team u guys will continue alive and strong , make friends, laugh enjoy the game J . Thank you all for this interesting experience.
Thanx all Clans/Teams for Wars, Thanks lk to team us in cet.
Gf Latin comunity.
Rec Pride, Rec Forever
Rec Memories:
Best Rec Wars and moments :
Last Rec speech.. thanx all guys: