I've read countless posts from people who want 2007 servers but will not start again as a level 3 or don't like the idea of having to gather the resources (food, armor, weapons) on their own. While starting a new account, new economy, seems like too much of a grind in reality it isn't. We all start from fresh theres no unfair advantages. So while you pk in bronze so will everyone else and since we wont already have millions of bronze items in circulation they will be very valuable and costly for a while. The same thing happens when iron, steel, mithril, adamant, and finally rune items enter the game. Prior to the EoC, one of the main reasons pking lost its attraction was because of the deteriorated economy. Back in the day when all had 100k banks - pking a rune 2h worth 50k was a BIG deal. In the last couple years we all had 5M+ banks, so we stopped caring about 50k and the items became worthless to us. Without the massive amounts of items and gold generated by bots, things would actually have high value again which in turn would bring back that excitement to pking. We would care alot more and have those adrenaline rushes because valuable items are at stake.