This isn't one of them 07 server posts, it has a relation to it in a way but here i go
I started playing rs in 05/06 i was in school at that time so had alot of time to play (literally) and train.
Im 21 now got 2 boys and would find it hard to get online on these servers when they release... is anyone still around these days from like TR/Adelais/Lb clan/ outcast/ tmrd Etc...
If so what have you been doing how has your life changed and how would you find it playing rs again
(would you have time if so more than before?)
I started playing rs in 05/06 i was in school at that time so had alot of time to play (literally) and train.
Im 21 now got 2 boys and would find it hard to get online on these servers when they release... is anyone still around these days from like TR/Adelais/Lb clan/ outcast/ tmrd Etc...
If so what have you been doing how has your life changed and how would you find it playing rs again
(would you have time if so more than before?)