join PvPZack CC or Come hang out at IRC for more information:
#Redefined Ownage
A stricly P2P East drags pking and luring team being lead by PvP-Zack. During our reign, there was nowhere we couldn't pk until ROs dying days.
We are hoping to re-establish that dominance.We were debating if we should re-open RO and decided, if we can get the RO core back we will.
A highly diversified team with pkers on at all times of day, from all around the world.
Without further ado,
Please welcome
Redefined Ownage
Returning Members:
Jing Fu Li0
105+ Combat for all roles.
82+ mage with ancients
as well as one of the following:
80+ range
80+ strength
85+ mage
Combined attack + Strength of 160
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: "Seems like a little bit high of a requirements for so soon, but anyways welcome back and hi mel"
Answer: "We arent officially open yet, just a heads up to the public for anyone interested in introing!"
Question: "Do you guys have a forum?"
Answer: "They are still being created, sorry fellas."