Well 07 servers have been out for awhile now, with updates happening constantly. Looking back pre-eoc and during EoC I don't think that a top clan could really look at another top clan without saying how much they hated them and reasons why they disliked them. Speaking with warlords/leaders from other clans recently alot of them share the same real opinion as me on certain things in the clan world, regarding subjects such as F2P/P2P, how clans are growing, current fights etc.
I found this incredible to believe, since for the most part I always disliked talking to other officials from clans since all of us, including myself, are caught up in our own egos. I feel that the clan world in general has become a bit more stable due to clan leaders actually talking to each other and putting their egos aside. I feel that members although they have a dislike for other clans still, are slowly starting to understand and follow suit.
This whole idea opened up a few questions for me to think about.
Is this the real face of the clan world if so, why did the clan world fall off track in the first place??
How temporary is this peaceful time?
What do you think of this clan world, is it better or worse then the pre-eoc one?
I found this incredible to believe, since for the most part I always disliked talking to other officials from clans since all of us, including myself, are caught up in our own egos. I feel that the clan world in general has become a bit more stable due to clan leaders actually talking to each other and putting their egos aside. I feel that members although they have a dislike for other clans still, are slowly starting to understand and follow suit.
This whole idea opened up a few questions for me to think about.
Is this the real face of the clan world if so, why did the clan world fall off track in the first place??
How temporary is this peaceful time?
What do you think of this clan world, is it better or worse then the pre-eoc one?