Channel: Runescape Clans
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Zybez Giving Back To Clan Community

For a long time, Zybez was fueled by clans. To be fair, a LOT of the activity came from clans, and without them it's pretty safe to say Zybez wouldn't be where it is today.

Now that Zybez is getting major traffic (And yeh, literally every 07 RS'er) from the OSRS price guide, maybe it would be a good idea to use this as a chance to advertise the clan world. This would open pretty much EVERYONE'S eyes to PvP clanning.

Zybez could put up a nice appealing banner on the top of the price guide, such as "Join a PK clan for the best in game experience - Click here for clans currently recruiting" (Obviously something better worded etc.), with some cool pictures in the back round, with it linking to the zybez clans recruitment section. This would undoubtedly get the attention of a lot of new people who may be interested in joining a clan. Yes this has obvious connotations to RSB recruiting, but it's no different to people currently having recruitment topics in that section.

This would also be good for Zybez as lurkers would then become angry Clan Discussion posters which would further help with the forums activity :D

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